
IMDb member since May 2017
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The Letters

This is not a good Movie!
This train wreck of a "movie" is the apparent darker side of Mother Teresa's story about secret letters that she wrote. These letters reveal a darker side to Teresa, stating that she had struggles with her faith, yet even in her hard times she stayed in the faith and continued to put others above herself. At Least that's what the audience is told, the plot of the movie, the most interesting aspect of this adaptation isn't shown or expanded upon, instead it is told to us multiple times throughout the movie all in different ways that reveal nothing new. Since the movie tries to tell Mother Teresa's story in a new perspective while trying to be "safe" the movie falls flat on it's face becoming lifeless, bland, and uninformative. I went into the movie knowing just as much as I did leaving it, Mother Teresa was a nun who helped the untouchables, nothing more nothing less, everything that is more interesting about her story is either told to the audience by a confusing narration or given to the audience on tacked on credit facts that are supposed to tie up the movies loose ends.

I give The Letters a very low C, almost to the point of F, but since the movie was so safe it deserves a C. The movie begins on a scene where a photo of mother Teresa heals a woman of a tumor, this event technically did happen but no one can be sure that it was Teresa's photo. It's a poor scene to start the movie on because it set's mother Teresa up to be a supernatural force of God, which she is not! It was also a poor choice to open on because the event is filled with so much uncertainty that it's more probable than not that it didn't happen, thus starting the movie with possible inaccuracies. Another thing the movie blundered on was Mother Teresa's religion, throughout the movie she is called a Christian woman, yet she was a catholic nun. Given the benefit of the doubt Christianity is a term that is notably used for multiple religions, like the Catholic people. Yet the rest of the movie is very safe, it doesn't take any risks or any controversial aspects of Teresa's life, instead they made a very easy movie that panders to the average viewer who doesn't know better than.

The reason I specifically wanted to give this movie a F was because how terribly represented Mother Teresa was, she was stripped of all likability and all visible motivation for what she was doing, it also ignored key factors of her life while somehow including them. For example the darkness that was continually spoken of, they mention it multiple times throughout the movie, yet not once did we see Mother Teresa actually convey or experience any signs of deeper darkness or doubt, instead she smiles and goes through the motion. The introduction of her character and her will to go help people was so underdeveloped that I didn't realize that she was Mother Teresa until multiple scenes later in the movie. Yet the reason I didn't give the movie an F is because the movie followed the most minimum basic beats of Mother Teresa's life, only showing what they wanted to and being, for the most part, accurate. Yet the absence of many of the other important aspects of her life make this movie a slightly biased representation of her life. This may sound like nitpicking but I truly believe what I listed above hinders the historical accuracy of this movie. This is not a movie I would recommend to view for a class, for if you are studying Mother Teresa this movie will not introduce anything new, and it may hinder what knowledge you already have.

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