
IMDb member since September 2017
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Triple A movies can be boring too
There's nothing wrong with Oppenheimer. It's a movie packed with great actors, directed by an amazing director, and has a lot of great one on one dialogues and smart come backs. Objectively this is a great movie that checks all the check boxes, and will likely receive enough awards to make its creators proud. It's a movie that was made to look great on a shelf accompanied by other Nolan films, maybe flipped to the back side to proudly display the 180 minute runtime. But it wasn't the type of movie a lot of people could watch twice. I can see a parallel script for Oppenheimer that better uses the lengthy 3 hour runtime in a way that's, well .. more fun. This version is too padded with the wrong stuffing. Instead of focusing on the scientific aspects of Oppenheimer's work, it delves too far and deep in his romantic and political dramas. The trial setting is simply too boring and bland. Hearing testimonies from every cast member inside a claustrophobic room really killed the enjoyment for me. The romances, doubly so.

Mona Lisa and the Blood Moon

Rave to the grave
Although almost completely void of any special effects, this movie is saturated with auditory and visual aesthetics, which are mostly centered around night life, and viewed through the realistic perspective of a wide angle lens, that isn't shy of getting too close and personal.

Plot is original, enjoyable and entirely basic, with emphasis given to "enjoyable", there are no points of high tension, just different music tracks the characters seem to 'swim' through as if guiding the scene. In a very chill fashion, almost dream-like.

The character performance is incredibly realistic, bold, and does a great job in making you view the daily happenings of their extraordinary lives in their original points of view.

Overall, a very entertaining watch. And listen.

Jurassic World Dominion

Ice Age: Return of the Jedi
I can't be the only one wondering the significance of the Chris 'Prattented' extended arm stance that almost all cast rely on to hypnotize these animals into submission. In the first movie it was somewhat believable within the context of behavioral conditioning during animal training, but now it's almost a 'thing' that every single animal regardless of specie will fall for, to give our protagonists a chance of escape.

Silly moments like these are scattered throughout the film, but it's nothing new to this series. It seems like each release is more tangent from the original concept of Jurassic Park, to the point that dinosaurs have become akin to a deus-ex machina to move the plot along.

Weirdly enough, i actually enjoyed this movie. The visuals were great on a big screen, and the multi generational cast interactions were somewhat refreshing from the ordinary.

Definitely watch it if you're a fan of the series. Just be advised. Chris Pratt gets on a motorcycle with dinosaurs in this one too.


The thrill doesn't stop
From beginning to end. Searching takes you on a winding but comprehensive path of investigating the disappearance of a young girl. I was kept at the edge of my seat. Actual good ending (and acting).


Listen to me. It's boring
There are small cast / single setting movies that can shine through their use of clever plot twists or intriguing story development. This isn't one of these instances. You get to watch Matt Damon and Casey Affleck walking about an empty desert, no explanation given to what started this journey or why they were unprepared, only that this is a good idea they had of a sort.

Prolonged closeups accompanied by Arvo Part music were meant to establish an ethereal feeling to this long walk, but unfortunately falls short of saving this otherwise very empty film about 2 people in the act of walking. There's no grand meaning to be missed. It's a movie made with material barely sufficient for a music video.

Resident Evil: Welcome to Raccoon City

Very good game adaptation
The atmosphere is very well done, it leaves the proper "Resident Evil 2" impression, and yes the cheese is part of the fun. I think this is what threw some people off. If you've ever went for a game cut-scene marathon on Youtube then this movie will appeal to you. Final boss doesn't disappoint either.

The Matrix Resurrections

The rotten cherry on top of a bad year
I went in with low expectations, didn't realize i could go even lower. It's not fair to Keanu or the original trilogy to make this film so bad. Not even fair to the readily available movie-making tech that took multiple leaps since the masterful original was released!

The problems with resurrections start from 'the source', that is the writers. They tried to squeeze out a movie from thin air when they had no enough material to work with. The heavy reliance on the original as the 'literal' backdrop to this flick only confirms this theory. This is how you turn one of the most iconic films of all time into another generic contemporary action movie.

The plot has no real conflict, no heart, no purpose or vision. The deep philosophical dialogues are empty, the fight scenes are badly shot. Some of the acting is a bit cringe. The only real value this movie holds is bringing 'some' of the original actors into the same production set. With that said, thank god Lawrence Fishburne was not involved in this project, that way it's easier to separate it from the 'real' matrix, but even if he had been, I'd still give this a 3. I'm sorry Keanu.

The Autopsy of Jane Doe

Too Unnerving
I was turned away at first by the concept and setting. Medical horror has never been my favorite type. But the slow execution of all the cutting scenes and the mysteries that followed made it less hard to watch. When things go awry (as they tend to go in all horror flicks) i found it too unnerving to watch at 2 in the morning. There's some reliance on jump-scares to deliver .. scares, but there's also plenty of setups and payoffs that are slow paced and plot-driven. Needless to say i shall remain scared for a while.

Army of Thieves

The little thief who could
This is a story of an eccentric-no-friend protagonist who possesses the talent of safe-cracking. He's the kind of protagonist who spills coffee all over himself and needs explanations to simple concepts. He's picked up by the cheesy band of cool guys who hire him to fulfill a grander scheme.

It's a light-hearted comedic movie with a lot of "F" words thrown around. The plot doesn't hold very well but how seriously can you take a movie with a 'zombie apocalypse' background anyway. Worth a watch.


Not a masterpiece
As far as horror movies go, The Wailing doesn't offers many new ideas to the genre, in fact it relies on the oldest and most common cliche in horror movies, the possessed child, albeit with slower pacing and more story than jumpscares. The small village is an adequate location for this type of horror, which is mainly centered around superstition and fear of 'the stranger'.

The main protagonist is an everyday dad, who's also a police officer, and he's no better being one or the other. He's also the comic relief in this film, in fact, the way he conducts himself and his tone of voice reminded me quite a lot of Homer Simpson, but Korean.

Interesting watch if you'd like something different and don't mind subtitles, if you're trying to decide between this and The Omen, you can confidently pick The Wailing.

The Empty Man

First there was Hereditary. Now The Empty Man
Great horror flicks do not come in bulk. And this one is ready to nestle in a lot of peoples "great to watch alone or with a friend" movie collections. Although this movie takes its time to tell the story, the watch time might as well be an hour longer and the audience still won't be touching their phones. Great acting, creepy from start to finish and the best part is .. no cliches.

Jungle Cruise

A great movie ... If you're 9
Dwayne Johnson makes another sweaty appearance in a new safari movie. Expect lots of jumping around and protagonist-like charm that no lady - Emily Blunt in this case - could resist.

Nothing but family friendly dialogues and 'intense' fight scenes under mundane orchestral pieces fit for 'exactly this kind of movie'. A must watch if you're babysitting, unless you've already watched Brendan Fraser's The Mummy then you can skip this one.

Joe Rogan: Strange Times

It can be funny. If Joe would calm the F down
I like Joe Rogan, But seeing him within the standup context is very different. Off the bat i loved the bits about Trump and our social norms. But going forward the quality of the jokes were mostly an over-excited Joe Rogan thinking everything's funny (even rolling on the floor at some points). Watching 'some' jokes felt like a podcaster trying to do standup for the first time and thinking he's acing it.

With that said, the funny bits make this worth a watch.

Astro Loco

Pretty Chill
It's a chill comedy with a unique backdrop. You can definitely see the indie in this film but it still delivers a few chuckles. The dialogues are very interesting and fit each character adequately. It's one of these movies you don't know if it's really good or really bad, but i see myself watching this again.

The Mist

Great concept asking for a remake
If you've ever played "the floor is lava" game when you were a kid, then the concept of this movie will be very familiar to you. Don't go into the mist. The ambiguity of "the mist" and what it is, and the sense of being locked inside, are the highlights of this work of fiction. And definitely strikes the right kinds of fear in the audience, and draws interest to how this diverse group of people, will deal with this unexplained and unknown danger. You can tell that every cast member has put their best skills into this. Starting with Thomas Jane in the role of a fearful father, trying to protect his only son, and Marcia Harden, trying to, do what she does.

There are two things which have (in my opinion) made this movie far less interesting to watch, and not exploit this awesome idea to its fullest potential. The first thing being cinematography, which i think is to blame for every line that seems like a cliché, and every shot that feels like composition 101. And I'm not even talking about graphics. which is "a pinch over acceptable", and truly suits a B movie. The second thing is the "science vs religion" thing, which this movie gradually develops into. It's a big distraction from the real problem and draws the focus towards what's inside, as opposed to the actual problem of what's outside. I've re-watched this movie many times, and every time i tried my best to forget about its flaws. This is a good movie with an ingenious idea asking for a better remake.

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