Reviews (23)

  • Only who have served in the Armed Forces can enjoy this movie because they are the ones who have faced the enemy in a real battle. Very realistic action scenes and superb performance by the actors. Will bring back a lot of memories with adrenaline rush especially to Afghan vets.
  • Unbelievable unrealistic actions, no one is getting injured seriously. What crap is this? I totally agree with comments made by "rasticho" that is "A PERSON WITH SOME KIND OF SELF-ESTEEM WOULDN'T EMBARASS HIM/HERSELF THIS WAY.
  • This is a movie for Big Foot fans and not for haters. A simple story which depicts the true stories we have heard about this creature or being. Almost all movies depict the Big Foot as a monster. But according to most stories it's not the case. The film makers have done a great job by making a film more realistic and believable for people who believe in Big Foot. Finally I am not an American and neither live in America but I believe in Big Foot and hence enjoyed the film.
  • Haven't seen an action movie so bad as this in my whole life. Completely amateurish acting, stunts and fighting choreography. Do not watch this.
  • If you are an action film lover this is definitely one for you. Fast moving from the start, Chris Hemsworth magnificent, supporting actors doing a wonderful job. What else you expect? One of the better action movies without unthinkable and unimaginable action scenes..
  • Amazing fight scenes. Good story line. Donny Yen and Scott Adkins give their best as completely too different characters. Some might think this is Chinese Propaganda. I am not a China lover and have lot of respect for the American people. But sadly this is the true nature of some white Americans racists who have become quite bold with the advent of Donald Trump. The culture and attitudes have not changed and will not change in the future too.
  • Only thing people were criticizing is the General's uniform. The underlying sentiment appears to be prejudice against IDF. I am a Sri Lankan ex soldier and I love IDF special forces hence enjoyed the film. There are some flaws here and there but the film is good and watchable with some good fighting scenes. A good tribute to both IDF and US Spec Forces.
  • What an amazing film depicting the struggle of Kurds. Brilliantly made. First class acting by the girls. I am from a South East Asian country and a Buddhist and was so moved by this film. It's a shame that they were abandoned by Trump. Without their assistance and ferocity US would not have been able to destroy the Daesh so easily. If you love Kurds then you must watch this film. Some people may not like this film. Pity on them.
  • Nothing to write much. Good story. Superb acting by the cast. Keep you edge on all the times. Jonathan Rhys Meyers is doing a fantastic job as Ari. Splendid movie.
  • Not a bad film at all. Do not heed to negative reviews. The story is predictable but if you love action movies this is OK. Butler is doing his thing as usual and Nick Nolte adds some fun to the story. Action lovers you can definitely enjoy this.
  • A suspenseful and moving film. A wonderful piece of work. An eye opener for people who doesn't know anything about Afghanistan and it's people. The actors are amazing and you don't feel like you are a watching a movie. A must see. Highly recommended.
  • A decent Action/Drama film with a slow pace. Luke Goss one of the most underrated actors does his part brilliantly as usual. Fight scenes are perfect with Ju Ju who is amazing with her Martial Arts skills. The new actor who is a Sri Lankan does his part admirably. Overall a good film. Watch this film and you will realize that this not a bad film at all.
  • Scott Adkins gives one of his best performances and proves that he is a very good actor on par with other established and highly rated actors. You don't have to be a Scott Adkins fan to enjoy this film. Sadly he is one of the most underrated actors at present.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Bad directing. Hollow story. Two of the best martial art actors die at the end. Worst than some of the earliest Steven Seagul movies. I have never seen Van Dam or Seagul dies in action movies. Scott Adkins has destroyed himself with this film. Tony and his friends are good fighters but bad actors and ruin the quality of this movie. This movie could have been easily made a B grade Expendable movie. A real waste of talent. A triple disappointment especially for Michael and Scott fans.
  • I like action movies with guns, hand to hand combat and blood. But in this film I saw a human side in an action film. You get a really close and attached feeling towards Bumble Bee. It depicts a human than a Transformer. In overall a fine movie, excellent acting and smooth flowing. A superb family entertainment.
  • I was so disappointed with some of the previous Scott Adkins films and was quite surprised when I saw this film. This film shows Scott Adkins can actually act in addition to his amazing fighting skills. There is no gore but some excellent fights choreographed by Tim Mann. A decent story not fast pace but watchable without getting bored. Viewers may differ but a very good film for Scott Adkins fans. There is absolutely no reason for giving below 5 star ratings.
  • This is one of the best Super Hero Movies I have ever seen. Visuals are amazing. If someone says this film is boring I just can't imagine what he expects from a Super Hero movie. I rate this movie better than Black Panther. Highly recommended.
  • Thoroughly enjoyable if you like action films. Brian does his part very well. If you like action films this is a good one.
  • 7 December 2018
    Feel sorry for the Directors hence nothing to talk about the acting. Wrong uniforms, wrong terrain, wrong tactics etc. Wonder who made this film. The film would have been categorized as a comedy if there were some hilarious moments. My favorites are war movies and these people have insulted the very word of it.A real waste of time.
  • Completely surprised as never expected a film like this from Netflix as most of their films are c..p. Dale and Max Martini have reunited after "13hrs. The secret Soldiers of Benghazi" though in different roles. Max Martini always plays his best as a Spec Ops Operator and one would think whether he is actually a one. Spectacular special effects and gloomy background give the movie a realistic look. The director has done a superb job with the movie which is fast moving with good combat scenes. The film would bring back a lot of memories to Spec Ops people. The only thing I am a bit disappointed is the look of the Delta Guys who seem young and inexperienced. They show lot of emotions except Max. Delta guys usually don't show emotions under pressure. Dale as usual the cool guy and Max always the tough guy give much depth to the film. The film has a similarity to "Black Hawk Down" especially the end scene. Good movie, good plot and I wonder whether some people are actually doing research on this "Bio Weapons" right at the moment. (In the end credits you can see the name of an Israel Unit).
  • Action, fun everything you ask from a film like this. All types of typical American characters are also there. Corporate Psychopaths, By the book Army morons, the good guys and of course the American Hero. Thoroughly enjoyed the film. The animation of George is fantastic. Watch this movie if you are not a couch potato.
  • Don't know whether to call this an "F" grade film. It is so bad and I felt really sorry for Scott Adkins for accepting a role in this film. This man has talents but wasting everything for nothing. A real waste.
  • 10 June 2018
    Don't waste your time. One of the baddest action movies of all time. Awful story, bad acting. Nicholas Cage is just a passenger of this movie. A real insult to the Spec Ops.