
IMDb member since January 2006
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    IMDb Member
    18 years


Roadside Prophets

Don't even think of wasting your time on this tripe. I did and I never give an opinion of a movie on here. But this movie my 4 year old using my cell phone camera and would earn a Golden Globe at least. Don't believe anyone who gives this "cough" film more than one star. Wow what else could I say about this so-called movie that would actually make it worth ten full lines. When a something is so bad a person should not be forced to write more than is necessary. Fortunately if anyone really cares, I was able to watch this movie on cable and the actual cost, money wise, was quite low. The aggravation of time lost comes close to the 2nd bailout er stimulus plan signed today by Orator Obama.

The Da Vinci Code

Catholics should rejoice at this piece of Junk!
I went to see this film with no preconception what so ever. The only reason I went was the fact the Ron Howard directed and I like most of what Tom Hanks has done as an actor. Well that is the good news this film should do quite well as best foreign film of the year, and just as boring. Hanks performance was below average, the film was plodding and very predictable. Fortunately I cashed in my Pepsi movie points so I had no out of pocket money that was wasted on this very disappointing effort. Please do not waste your time or your money to support this film. PS the Catholics have Nothing to worry about this film it is a joke.

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