
IMDb member since September 2018
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    5 years


Tik Tik Tik

Nonsense in the name of Space movie
Being an Indian I am saving your time, this film is a joke in the name of Science Fiction. Please dont watch this non sense. If you are a fan of Hollywood space movies and expecting something from like this from your country, guess you will regret on it.. Its just loaded with a lot of nonsense scenes like any other south Indian movies.. In this Science Fiction movie, forget about Science, here you will see people romance on Defense Head Quarter and breaking hi-tech devices just by a punch on it.. This movie is seriously a COMEDY VERSION of ARMAGEDDON


Terrible Science Fiction!!
The reason I am giving 4stars instead of 1star is because I am a big fan of those movies which are related to aliens, extra territorial, space, dimensions, black holes etc. As my expectations the movie starts quite a interesting, but looking at the length (2:15minutes) I was thinking is it gonna be fun or boring?? I have fast forwarded most of the film, its unnecessarily long and kerps on stretching on one thing, but you keep on waiting to see IS THERE ANY CONTACT WITH ALIENS?? Noooo my friends! Noooo nooo!!

The girl who have spent her entire life trying to contact with extra terrestrials ended up with silly things, by using Nasa's most expensive project she travels at least ten wormholes and meet dead spirits, Wtf Nonsense ending..

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