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Yes yes and yes
These days rarely I find movie that hits the spot right on coming from Hollywood. But this is not Your typical Hollywood production and You can see it. It is brutal, it is dirty, it is packed with action to the limit and beyond, it is good ride to be in If You like Dredd in first place. It hits all the right spots, only regret is 3D only version in cinema.

I read the comic as a kid and this movie hits that just as good unlike Sly's version which dealt with matter Dredd should not.

Karl Urban did great job as cold law Judge Dredd.

Really well done as hopefully just a first part of many to come. Bring it on.


Greek mythology should sue Hollywood
If that is even possible it should.

This movie is not even good for showcasing your new HD surround cinema home system to your friends.

Cinematography, which was only highlight of most blockbuster movies made in last few years, well they even screw that up.

Main cast and acting is painfully boring to the bone. You will node more than you will be ready for. It is insult even if you have just a basic knowledge of Greek myths not to mention the rest. Story, screenplay, casting, music it is all very very bad. Only and only thing slightly worth mentioning is Mickey Rourke and that is it.

Many went into finer details why this does not work on so many levels so take these into consideration as well before watching.

Cars 2

Never thought I am going to say this for one of Pixar's movies but this one is totally cliché and predictable.

And absence of clichés is why we like Pixar movies in first place. You did not know what to expect around the corner. Excitement was all over the place.

But not this time. Artistically it is golden as any other but story wise it failed miserably. This story has been seen countless times in so many movies and cartoons.

Real shame for mighty Pixar, beacon of hope for designers and story tellers around the globe. Hope this one will be last bad one they made.

Superman Returns

Return it is
Thank you Bryan Singer. I do mean it. Thank you for making such a delightful homage to Superman 1 and 2, movies I watched countless times when I was child.

One who does not realize that should not watch this movie. Singer managed to make modern day movie that can easily fit to originals from 1978 and 1980. Brandon is worthy superman in every aspect. Kevin Spacy is amazing as Lex. It will leave you breathless many times. I love that Bryan kept original music score, that really is a great theme.

This should not be treated as a movie. This is painting about Superman.

One and only true super hero.

X: First Class

First class not quite
With so many characters and subjects it was probably hell for screenwriter to decide what to include in this part of X-Men. And plus to satisfy comic book fans and those who are not.

In general prequels should be banned from movie making. It spoils all good things about sequels.

I love X-Men 1 and 2 so having Bryan Singer involved here is only thing that made me watch this movie. But 2 things are starting to get in a way to make these movies better.

First is 2nd world war and Cold war inspiration for a plot. Second is unpleasantly weak acting job by James McAvoy. Reason is for such a great mentor he is suppose to be hi is very unconvincing. Remember he is training people with amazing, often lethal powers. He lacks presence authority you can feel. In contrast to that Patric Stewart performed this part perfectly. And as main actor here that is why this movie failed despite the all good things about it. Michael Fassbender is one that did best acting here.

All else is good action, effects, even screenplay is surprisingly interesting for Hollywood standards these days. And potential is there. Will see if next one is going to be better as this one feels in no way connected to sequels.

Into the Wild

Supertramp is SUPERGREAT
I am still settling it in. Maybe not the best time for review but for movies great like this any time is proper.

Where to begin at all? Acting is, oh gasp, magnificent, better than any I've seen before. Directing, editing, photography, soundtrack - that is all stellar. Technically it is perfect gem.

Good movies are either liked or not. Great movies are liked as whole or each find something to remember it by. This is GREAT movie. Every possible thing here is brought to the perfection. This celluloid creation managed to cover so many different subjects and themes it will take some time and few more watching to absorb it all. And I do mean to cover them. This movie defies all bad things you have been learned about life in such a manner it is force that drives deep and runs deep.

It is very hard to describe why this movie is one of best ever made without making spoilers so I'll just say:


I have to express my BIG THANK YOU for all involved into making this movie, as it is made with such a care for detail that is rarely witnessed today.

Attack the Block

Watch and forget
Simply said very few elements after you finish watching will keep you interested in further investigating the film.

Acting is standard for British made movies that have ambition to be presented outside the island meaning it want be up to everyone's sensibility. Certainly this movie would be even lower on a radar if Nick Frost was not in it and it is obvious why. There is no x factor that will push you deeper into the movie. Also abrupt ending lack building up tension toward it.

This is one of those movies you will watch on local TV channel in few years more often than you would like to.

The Kite Runner

Not worth the book
I was very happy when I saw there is a movie depicting events in the book. I read the book and I knew I should not expect for a movie to be as good book is. But this is far greater disappointment than expected.

Okay now, for any book to be filmed properly all the events in the movie would have to last for more than 4 hours and plus. That is why when writing screenplay writer must decide which part he will highlight and which not. But in this version director made a mush mash of it and not very good one I'm afraid. Not surprisingly as Marc Foster is one of the most overrated directors ever.

Ideally for this movie would be to have two part story. First one would cover events in Avganistan. Here screenplay would concentrate on relation between Hassan and Amir which is core of the book and that awful event with Assef. Second part would partially depict life of Amir and his father in US. In last third act would address Amir's return to Avganistan ,final confrontation with Assef, and ultimately salvation of Amir's tormented soul. All of that and there would still be a room for relations between Amir and his father and Soraya.

Pity, as book is magnificent and worth a proper movie.

Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith

Somewhere in the Middle
Enough time has passed since this movie premiered. By now it made it's producers happy and still is by making money out of merchandise and what not else.

As far as movie itself is concerned, only one thing matters. How will it stand the test of time. This is climatic final chapter how Sith become to rule the galaxy again, and more importantly how our hero Anakin become anti hero Vader. If there was ever a chance for Lucas to make things right again this was it. So how does this one stands, both, on it's own as a movie and as part of 6 episodes.

Maybe luckily for fans, to this episode belongs one task that previous episodes did not have to full fill, and that is teeing it all together with episodes 4, 5, and 6. I said luckily as that forced Lucas to pay more attention to the story and episodes he filmed first, something he forgot in episodes 1 and 2 that allowed him to ignore them.

Still weakest link here is acting by soon to be Vader. Even Natalie, which proved her acting qualities, fails faced with stupid dialog. I think this proves that Hollywood is desperate for one good dialog editor, someone whose vocabulary extends beyond TV commercials. Other did a fair job of acting with what was offered. Not surprisingly, best acting is done by Emperor, as given best material to work with.

And how about imagination, you know that core star wars quality? What producers fail to see, intentionally or not, is that old movies are more loved than new ones for one very simple, yet essential reason, and star wars provide perfect example. When Lucas filmed New Hope he was fighting to make his vision believable. As said, he was very frustrated because he could not get 50 percent of what he wanted. In that, for him, painful process he achieved something great he may not intended. He left audiences imagination fill the gaps he could not. And that made Star Wars even better even more believable.

Here on the other hand with army of effects producers to back him up nothing is left to accident. And that is what this movie needs. Some randomness, to make you wonder, to spice things up. But no, everything is super clean and super perfect and that is why it ultimately fails as a movie.

Yet despite all that there are great highlights. Final duel between Obi Wan and Anakin, attack on Jedi temple, Yoda vs. Sidious, Vader transformation...

So, finally at the end, this one falls in the middle between perfection driven Lucas and not so "perfect" old episodes loved by true fans. Neither are happy with it, so each should grab a scene he loves and ignore the rest. This movie and episodes 1 and 2 are filmed in such a manner you can simply ignore half of it if you wish, but for better or for worse is individual opinion.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 1

No magic again
I watched 1st Harry Potter movie and first half of second. I thought here this one may redeem all others parts equally boring because nothing is happening really. That is biggest problem with all Harry Potter movies - nothing is happening.

But no unfortunately that is not the case, not even now. 90 percent of time this movie wastes on close up shot of Harry and his friends just looking around!

If this is introduction to climatic end battle between Voldemort and Harry I lost complete interest in watching that. Again Harry displays even more emotional dilemmas like a girl. That might be OK in previous parts but hey; Harry you know your mortal enemy is upon you. Say what do you think you finally start acting like some bad ass wizard? No huh?

Boring to the bone. I bet 2nd part is like this pretty much to the end?

The Chronicles of Riddick

Furiously brilliant
This movie is completely underrated without any good reason. Especially when you bear in mind how much it offers as one of best Sci Fi movies out there. Story checks out and and screenplay is well written. Casting is well done. Photography is superb. Effects are marvelous to look at. I mean there is very few elements in this masterpiece that can annoy you. This movie is great and fun ride with one of most scary bad guys ever put on big screen. Vin Diesel fit this movie as main actor perfectly. I can hardly imagine anyone else in his place.

Also whole design of planets, architecture, machinery, costumes, scenery is brilliantly done and it is in top 10 movies as far as that is concerned.

Fast Five

Furios I am how bad this movie is
I must ask was Vin Diesel on some kind of drugs while he was filming this? Seriously, every time he appeared on screen he looked like he could use a nap. Maybe he realized how bad this is and did not want to give an effort.

I enjoyed 1 and 2nd FnF and did not watch rest of them except this last one.

Except for few funny scenes and Dwayne Johnson rest is plain crap. Nothing is consistent. Pretty much like Transformers 3. You simply jump from one scene in no particular order and that is annoyance.

Supporting cast is completely obnoxious and that was not easy to achieve.

Don't bother to watch as I can not with describing how bad it is any longer.

Groundhog Day

Will charm you
They do not make movies like this in Hollywood any more. Maybe they do but they are not exporting them any more. Real shame. This is one of the best acting jobs by endlessly charming Bill Murray. I just want to use this review to recommend this movie to younger generations which are driven too much toward likes of Matrix and comic book heroes, movies which quality is more judged by their visuals instead of some good message at the end.

Best part is it does not matter will you watch it in hd or not. For best movies it never is.

Go en light yourself.

Mission: Impossible III

Impossible to watch
Boring, predictive and utterly obnoxious.

I actually like first two parts despite all the ridiculousness because they had something in abundance that third one does not: FUN FACTOR!

This one strives to be taken more seriously. Why? That is not needed. They tried that with last two 007 Bond movies and look how terrible those turned out.

I must say screenplay is horrid and editing is done badly as far technical aspects are concerned. Overall acting performance is confined to stupid screenplay and feels two dimensional, so i will not judge them after that. We know all actors involved proved they can do better.

Ending is one of the stupidest of all out there.


Wow wow wow
My dear Norwegians my hat down for you. Clap, clap, clap, clap...

I love fact that photography is all natural. No cinematic touch ups. Really that gives this movie extra value.

And what to say but to avoid spoiling the movie. Greatly done with lot of improvisation which worked wonderfully here. Whole documentary genre brought one step up.

Great acting from all involved. Superb effects, oh these are cream de la cream of cinema. Trolls are amazingly done and diverse.

Troll hunter himself is something to remember.

I am pleased this one exist.

Torrente 4: Lethal Crisis

Torrente is in crisis for reboot
What worked in 1st part (excellent movie BTW) and held throughout second movie, failed in 3rd and now 4th part.

Reason is simple. Torrente relied on same things that made it good in first two parts but now it is getting nowhere. Script and story are thin as air. Acting is good but keep repeating same jokes all over again and it is boring.

Torrente was in need of refreshment but it's author failed to see that.

There are some funny moments in this movie but that is all there is to it. Not to mention it had so much scenes where things could get better but they were not used in innovative way.

Dylan Dog: Dead of Night

Good if you have not read comic books
In genre description it is stated this is comedy. Well it would be better if it had more of that and more sarcasm. In comic book that is what Grucho Marx was used for. In this movie, it sadly is not included as character.

Dylan is sarcastic but Brandon, even he tried, did not delivered on that plane. Movie introduction is too long but does not damage movie so much as ending, which could be done better. Much of disappointment with movie comes from it.

It is Dylan sidekick that does best acting job here and pulls all comedy. Without him this would be even lamer movie.


Really sambastic and beautiful
I watched this on hot summer day and it felt just perfect. Colors and renderings are beautiful and real treat for eye.

Story and screenplay are solid. Voice acting is superb. Music choice is more than well made. I must say I am glad to see really engaging movie from Blue Sky studios they failed to made since Ice Age 1. It really lift your spirit up. All characters are lovable and I recommend it for group watching as it is lot of fun. Each scene was masterly lighted and colored and great atmosphere was achieved for each scene. Have fun watching it. I just can not write anything else to avoid spoilers so just to fill 10 lines minimum :)

Transformers: Dark of the Moon

Stupidity got another definition
I really think lawmakers ought to invent death sentence for people like Michael Bay as he deserves one now. I can not begin to describe how bad this is. Bay has pushed the bar for "how bad something can be made".

I honestly did not believe it can get any worse from previous Transformers movie but Bay proved me wrong.

Michael Bay redefines infinity of human stupidity with this... i want even call it a movie.

Absolutely every single moment in this abomination is horror to watch. Damn the producers for financing this.

Do not dare to watch! You will loose some gray cells after this.


Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace

Saga finished before it started.
Unfortunate this all is.

I mean there is no excuse for this movie being made so stupid. Episodes IV to VI gave it's author so much potential to make not only great prequels but to make them epic. Instead they seem more septic. Many reviews went into details why is this bad for Star Wars being fan or not so I want repeat it here.

Only one scene is worth to be called Star Wars and that is Jedi duel at the near end of movie and transformation to Vader at end of Episode III. Rest is Lucas going merchandise frenzy.

Biggest problem of this movie is not Jar Jar, no, it is lack of soul, lack of any substance any fabric or emotion. Something that made Episodes IV,V and VI so widely loved throughout the planet.

Real shame for Skywalkers around the globe.

Sucker Punch

Sucker punch it is, for audience!
This one is bit hard to review.

On one hand there is ton of great visuals which deserves special grade all by themselves. On other side is story which is unexploited enough and far from being original.

This movie is something between Moulin Rouge! and Sin City. Unlike two of them Sucker Punch fails to deliver the drama. And it is a bad mix I'm afraid. Acting is not good, especially by leading actress which messes some better performance of supporting cast.

While watching you wish there were something more than just great visuals. And I do not think that was a goal by director.

Story and screenplay: 2/10 Visuals: 8/10

Super 8

Super disappointing
After initial trailer was released one would think hey finally something smart. My immediate impression was that it is going to be something mysterious, some unknown force or experiment went south and group of teens in the middle of it. Remember Goonies? Well, trust me, skip Super 8 and go watch Goonies, it is much better.

Oh but how misleading trailers are. For anything to happen it will pass well over half an hour. Than, after realizing what it is all about you spend rest of movie watching just to see "main event" and be done with it. Rest of movie is boring, poorly edited, nothing is in focus, and all is left hanging loose.

One of worst blockbuster experiences in a while.


Sponsored movie
I love Hot Fuzz, Shawn of the Dead and rest of Simon Pegg's work so I had high hopes for this movie as well.

At starters it all look promising but it does not take long to get disappointed in the story.

Like Fan boys, this movie feels like it has been sponsored by George Lucas and Spielberg. I agree, both of them made big influence on modern cinema and story telling, but then if you strive for your movie to be a bit original this is no way to go. Referencing someone else work is one thing, but Pegg went bit to far.

And than there is Paul, the highlight of the movie. Although well animated and rendered it is neither funny or sarcastic enough. It does not leave any impression on you as neither movie does mainly due to poorly written screenplay.

Truly disappointing, considering the capacity of it's authors.

Battle: Los Angeles

Awful framing, bad movie
How serious director wanted us to take his movie? I would say a lot, judging by the screenplay. But he was so sloppy in execution audience ended up care for none of the either characters or story.

This movie leaves no positive mark in your mind. I almost slept on some more calmer parts because my eyes try to recover from jerky action sequences.

Acting is average and emotionless. Director managed to screw even that up. And enough with stupid long moral speeches already.

You do not get to see aliens a lot as framing is so jerky some better bring airplane bags.

Bad use of alien invasion genre.


Hammering it right
Ah finally after so many awful comic book movies something worthy of X-Men 1 and 2.

It is good, this one. Great cast, direction, acting and screenplay. All is placed where it belongs. It is all about hero, as it should have been with almost all other superhero movies made before. Good humor is present and it will make you laugh quite a few times.

But be careful with the sequel, because the only thing that tint this movie bad is love relationship, which is again being portrayed without any substance that will provide some feedback from the audience, it is flat and uninteresting.

If you could keep it simple please. People like this one because it is all action and no love crap like Spiderman.

Good job!

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