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The Mist

A truly amazing ride through the Mist !!
Though I have not read the novel, watching this movie was a sheer pleasure. It was simply the best thriller in a long time. There is a lot of comments going on about the ending; man .. it was excellent and no one could have done it better than what Frank did in this ! All the characters were very lively and it was not at all like watching a movie. The visual style made a perfect blend to the terrific screenplay. Now, no one could question the talent that Darabont has in his repository. Come one !! I just cant wait to see his next adaptation of a Stephen King classic. This is a must watch for any fan of this genre, albeit it may not fit for the festival mood !


Rajni all the way through !!! Shankar falling way below his standard !!
Just came back from the preview screening of Sivaji here in Chennai .. Overall the movie was excellent .. just because Rajni carried the movie all the way through !!

The plot was very good but the way it was presented was very weak .. still the one man show does the trick and no one could stop enjoying the movie !! It was a treat to watch the totally reinvigorated Rajni of early years ... The first half was good with good comedy from Rajni and Vivek whereas I felt that a whole lot was missing in the second half. Though the Adhiradikaran song and the build up towards that .. with Rajni enacting Sivaji, MGR and Kamal Haasan was just enough to make me watch this movie second time ... it was just the maximum we could expect from a Rajni movie !

Shankar has done an excellent job with the comedy scenes, songs picturisation (Oru Koodai was extremely good !!), story theme and in overall presentation but should have concentrated a lot more on the screenplay. Had it not been Rajni in this movie, im sure that this would have bombed at the box office with just a small puff of smoke !!

Rajni .. I have no words to describe the portrayal of the character of Sivaji and MGR (Yes .. You read it right !!). He has done a marvelous job and no wonder he is the un-comparable SuperStar of Indian cinema. The first scene of the second half .. in the tea stall .. is just one scene that would prove that he is the leader in dialogue delivery, dark humor and style. Just awesome !!

Overall, we had total fun for the money we spent starting from the dance in front of the theatre before the movie to enjoying the terrific performance by the icon !! As a Rajni fan I would rate this movie a 10/10 for having all what we expect from a Rajni movie !! and as a normal viewer I would rate it a 6/10 .. Yes .. Shankar could have done a lot more !! Enjoy the movie !!

Hostel: Part II

Not anywhere near to the first part !!
The first part was a hit because overall it had a very different plot and storyline. This second part fails in both these categories and looks as if it was made, just to make some money ONLY in the opening weekend/day.

The story is terrible and none of the characters fit in the plot. The writers had tried too hard to make some sort of connection between the first and second part and the result is a totally ridiculous start to the movie. Since there was nothing left to squeeze out of this story, the director has ended up squeezing balls in the climax !!

Overall, there is not one thing in the movie that would make it worth watching in the theatre and I cant believe why this movie did not end with this !! Cmon we do not expect a trilogy out of HOSTEL !!

Spider-Man 3

Spidey camp needs a Christopher Nolan to reinvigorate !!
"Too Much of anything is good for nothing !" - I wonder how Sam Raimi's grandma missed this piece of advice for him !! Thanks to him.. Im afraid Spidey is beginning to enter an elite clan !! The clan which comprises movies like Batman & Robin, DD, Catwoman .. Big budget .. too little stuff ... !! Yet I bet this movie will end up as a top grosser .. !!

There are too many sequences that have been tied up by a web that hangs loose in the air.So many unanswered questions pop out now and then, though we expect such things in a superhero movie .. what we do not expect here is the weird screenplay !! For instance .. why was there a necessity for Harry to emotionally attack Spidey ?? and what follows are just scenes where Spidey behaves like a total crack-up .. substantiated with a logic .. "The Venom is playing its part !!" .. I mean who needs those scenes in a Spidey movie !! Things could have been presented in a much better way with such a huge budget !

Coming to these characters .. there is this grandma .. who as expected comes thrice in the movie with a unique advice each time ! Sandman - The weakest portrayal of a villain in a long time ! Venom - Its afraid of sound - Can you believe it !! Maybe thats why it managed a silent landing when Spidey was making out with MJ !!

Action, action and more action .. and the scenes to make such amount of action possible .. made this movie .. a top-grossing yet disappointing one !!


A unique joy ride !!! But not everyones cup of tea !!
Rarely comes a film that satisfies all our expectations and Grindhouse is one such gem that not only satisfies but exceeds our expectations !! Both, Rodriguez and Tarantino have just made a checklist of their specialty's and taken care to achieve all those in a unique & wonderful fashion, in a time-span of 3 hours !!

The stories of the 2 segments are are so simple and down to earth that they utilized their full time in the gimmicks surrounding the screenplay. The way the movie has been presented is very untraditional and truly unbelievable.

Missing reels, fake trailers, scratched screen-shots, witty and hip roaring humor, the old style background scores, outrageously funny and vomit inducing gore, an edge of the seat car chase, a yelling Kurt, a daring stunt woman, a melting rapist, a gun-legged girl .... God this list just seems to continue - These are just a part of what you can expect watching the Grindhouse.

The fake trailers that are shown in the movie,be it Machete, Don't, Werewolves of the SS or Thanksgiving, each of them have their flavor and thanks to the buddies of QT and RR !!

On the whole watching Grindhouse is a truly enjoyable and memorable experience and worth every penny you spend for it !!

Underline: Seen and enjoyed movies like the Saw series, Hostel, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, House of thousand corpses, The Devils Reject, Hills Have Eyes or Sincity ?? Then do not miss this !! This is The Godfather of them all !! Others please do not dare to watch this; as the gore, style and humor of Grindhouse is not meant to satisfy a universal set of audience.

Bridge to Terabithia

A wonderful journey through emotions, with hope !!
I got a chance to watch this movie through a DVD and what I had in mind about this movie is that its going to be yet another tootsie footsie children's flick, but I was totally wrong !!

This is a wonderful movie that talks about the friendship between 2 kids who are artistic in one way or the other. They feel and enjoy such a beautiful warmth in each others company that they live in their own magical world, carefree and with the freedom to imagine anything and live through with it !! Not all wonderful things in this world are ever lasting, their togetherness is no exception !!

What follows is such a moving sequence of images that makes you enter into their world and shed a few tears for the loved ones !

This movie is so honest and thanks to a skilled technician team !! No matter what .. Disney.. You guys rock !!

This is truly a moving picture after a long long time and believe me its hard to restrain your emotions when you look at the real 'Bridge To Terabithia' that Jesse had built for his beloved friend !!


A skillfully narrated tragic poem !! Two thumbs up for Ameer, Karthik & Priya !!
As the movies promos, trailers and stills promised a total catchy & natural village subject, I went in to see this movie on the opening day and I wasn't disappointed in any form.

The story was very simple and an age old one but the way Ameer has handled the script was just too good !! The film moves from the present to a series of flashbacks which are very well interwined and leaves the viewers in total aaaaah. The dialogues are totally down south TN and very natural indeed.

The acting department too has supported the works of the director in an exceptional way. Be it Karthik (never can anyone say that its his first film), Priya, Saravanan or Ponvannan, its flawless throughout the way and you will remember these characters for long even after the move folds out. A special mention must be made for Yuvan's background score which brought in the right kind of magic for this offbeat film.

A tragic ending is the perfect one for this beautifully narrated poem and kudos to Ameer for going through with it doing total justice to his work.

When lookin into the negative side of this movie, Ameer could have taken care to reduce the abusive actions and words a bit. One wonders whether there is something called as a censor board !! Hello people in the board .. its time to wake-up!! And Karthk watch out for your expressions, as in certain scenes it reminded us of your bro !!

In today's movie buzz its very rare to find a movie that has an excellent screenplay, wonderful acting and good technical backup. Paruthi Veeran is one such gem. Don't miss this movie !! Its tamil cinema at its best !!

My rating for this one would be a high 8.5 out of 10.

Pachaikili Muthucharam

A well scripted movie, that will definitely be very quiet in box office !
Saw this movie yesterday night and unlike most of the people who watched this movie along with me, I liked it !

The storyline has been taken from a novel which was already adapted for a full length movie by Hollywood - Derailed with Clive Owen & Jennifer Aniston ! Like the Hollywood flick, this movie also starts off in a very offbeat fashion (So unlike Gautams Movies) and boom !!! There goes the whispers in theatres where people are not ready to accept either the slow pace off this beautiful movie or the story line .. !! Cmon this is India, that too the south ! and its a mistake to make such a movie for this trend of movie goers :)

For the storyline, Sarath & Andrea are a happily married couple, fully satiable to each other until their son is prone to a chronic disease. Jo comes in as a co-passenger in the sub-urban train in which Sarath travels and the cold atmosphere at home combined with the stunning personality of Jo makes Sarath go for a one-day stand in a beach resort !! There comes Miilind, beats Sarath to knees and rapes Jo in front of his eyes !! It doesn't stop here as he tries to blackmail them .. which leads to a series of events and finally its revealed that Jo was an accomplice to this heinous plot !!

Gautam has proved that he is one of the best in business as far as screenplay and direction goes, unfortunately he is not able to satisfy the conservative lot and also the group that looks for plain tikka masala !!!

The only negative about this movie is that Gautam has compromised on the screenplay for Saraths action hero image which stands out odd and forms the way for a kinda borin climax with Jo comin in and shouting around with 10 people !! LOL

Overall this movie will definitely wont go down well with the masses and will not be a box office sweeper !!! Still if you like watching a well shaped movie on a Sunday afternoon go for this !!

My Rating would be a 6.8/10 !!


Stunning performances makes GURU worth watching ! Thumbs' up for Mani !
In a single line this movie is about a guy who rose from rags to riches through the Indian way (Hard work & Witty Ideas)and he is Gurukant Desai (Abhishek). I have never seen Abhishek in such a powerful role and he proves a point here by the wonderful piece of acting and he is the one who carries this movie on his shoulders. This is by far the best role Abhishek has taken up.

Guru who goes to Turkey for work at a younger age comes back after 7 years to start off a business in his own country. Leaves to Mumbai, marrying Aish and starts off his business as a trader. Guru uses a newspaper editor (Mithun),who is very idealistic, to get the necessary hike in his initial struggle for supremacy and starts off a polyester company called 'Shakti Polyester', with public aid in the form of shares, which grows to 'Shakti Corporation' in a song ! Mithun who does'nt like the way Guru's growth has happened , at a point, calls Shyam (Madhavan) and asks him to write against Guru, who accepts. (Slash : Intermission). The investigative writings of Shyam makes the Government take action against Guru and the 'Shakti Corporation' gets sealed up. This makes Guru go in a paralytic attack ! Later, Guru rises again ! (Watch the movie for this)

The positive points about this movie are many: 1. Abhishek and his wonderful acting. 2. Mani's streamlined screenplay. 3. Rajiv Menon's stunning camera work. 4. Mithun, who has done his part with absolute beauty. 5. Aish, who marries Guru and forms an integral part of his struggle to achieve. Later becomes the mother of 2 "DAUGHTERS" (So definitely not Anil & Mukesh :) LOL). 6. The romantic interlude between the lead pairs'. 7. Madhavan & Vidya - Though their appearance is limited, they have shown perfection in what they have done. (Even in the Smooch between them ! Yes, a kiss in Mani's way, so Expressive !)

Now, coming to the negatives: 1. A bit draggy second half (People went to the extent of giggling when the cremation ceremony of Vidya Balan goes on in the movie). 2. Not so commercialized screenplay (Its both - a positive and negative). 3. An unconvincing speech before the magistrate in the climax (An age old cliché).

Overall, this movie will appeal only to a certain section of the audience. The forth coming weeks will answer whether this is going to be this years first blockbuster !

My overall rating for this one would be a 7.5/10


Worth every penny ! But definitely not suitable for the festive mood !
Its surprising to see the what the MadMax hero had in his box all these years .. One after the other his knocks are perfect .. be it Brave Heart, Passion Of The Christ and now the Apocalypto, every delivery is spot-on .. of course with a lot of gore .. Now coming to this movie ..I wouldn't say that its the years best (No way close to 'The Departed'or 'Babel'), but definitely worth a watch. It has a very simple plot ..a native forest hunter captured by a group of members, the so-called messengers of a new upcoming civilization ..escapes from their claws and comes back to save his pregnant wife and son .. Having a simple plot, the only way for the director to impress the audience is with the story narration and yes Mel has done it in style. The starting an hour or so, upto the eclipse is terrific and the movie fades away a bit in the second half; but the wonderfully picturised, all-gore chasing sequences make the second half worth watching .. Maybe this is not the best kind of movie you could go out with your family in this festive season, because of the violence it unleashes .. but of course we need these kind of movies at least once in a while :) Thanks to Mel ! Also this could have been a bit more appealing if the director had concentrated on the essence of the second half rather than totally depending on the CG invaded current version .. Altogether, this is one of the years best movies and a sure adrenaline rush ! Worth every penny!


A big Disappointment !
In this age of "Black", "RDB", "LRMB" and "The Departed", comes a movie which totally depends on the star cast alone !

First of all none of the scenes in the movie has any logic.. they just pop out ! If you like to see a movie which is at least a bit logical .. Then I would say that better forget this one ! Instead a chilled beer in your home with good music would help.

Now coming to the storyline (Thank God ! It had at least something to call as a story) .. Aryan aka Mr.A (Hritik) is a world class thief .. stealing things, trotting the globe. Jai (Abhishek) is as usual the ACP who goes after him .. Ali (Uday)- There is nothing to talk abt him ..Just that he became a police in this one ! Aish (With hot dressing) aids Jai to catch A in the first half then in the process falls in love with A ! Now Bipasha .. a dual role ! Both of which, are utter waste .. just for the gimmick and of course to be a part of Ali's dreams !

The way this movie has been presented, thanks to the Art director because almost every scene happens in a set and they are soooo monotonous !

The climax is an age old cliché..where the heroine shoots his lover to save him from police and yes of course as you people guessed .. there is a "After 6 months" tag .. where both A and Aish are in some Fuji island taking care of a restaurant ! There comes in the directors touch .. where he brings in the ACP again, who is unstoppable :) As expected he too praises the love of the thief and leaves the scene for another assignment !

Finally .. The only positive thing about the movie is - Hritik. He is cool as usual. Then above all .. to make our money worth - THERE IS A SMOOCH BETWEEN AISH AND HRITIK ! Believe Me ! My rating for this one would be a 5/10.

Lage Raho Munna Bhai

Lage Raho ... Lage Raho !
This is going to be the best comedy movie for the year .. I mean the team of Munnabhai has come up with such an interesting plot, that will keep you intact with the seat for a two and a half hour duration .. which believe me .. went in a whisker !

Everyone who acted in this movie have done justice to their role .. and I loved Circuit in this one more than the first .. Sanjubhai has given life to Munnabhai yet again in style !

The initial title which was 'Munna meets Gandhi' would have been more apt for this movie. At interval though the movie was very good, I just thought that its missing something called as a logic. But the director has tied the open ends very well in the second half giving me a reason to stop speculations !

On the whole, this is one hell of a movie I would recommend for you and your family .. Laugh out loud !

Vettaiyaadu Vilaiyaadu

Tamil Cinema Reaching new heights .. Bollywood you got so much to learn from this film
First of let me talk about the positives in this movie : The movie was totally awesome ... technically .. Its a very different approach followed by the director .. We could definitely say with pride that Gautam has taken Indian cinema to new heights ... ! The story narration was beautiful though it did not have a very strong plot ... Thanks to Hollywood ... Tamil Cinema is reaching new dimensions ... Especially the opening 15 minutes and the scene where the killer talks with Kamal in midst of vendetta .. Just too good ! Kudos to the director .. the real hero ! Though he is not commendable in the plot, as in Kaakha Kaakha, he wanted to prove a point here ... and he does it in style ... Cheers Last but not the least ... The pride of Indian cinema .. Dr Kamal Haasan .... Does a powerful role with so much of ease ... Yet another movie of his to be remembered ..

Now coming to the negatives: Though the director succeeds in a certain way .. he lets you down at certain scenes which are so Indian ... Especially.. When the hero does things out of nowhere and categorizes them as "Raghavan Instincts" .. the scene where the killers escape from the airport .. and the usual coincidence where the killers meets the hero and his girl within minutes he reaches a new city ..

Our heroes which includes Kamal .. For their lack of body maintenance .. (Got to reduce the protruding tummy) Though these are negatives, they just go vanishing because of the style in which things are told ! In a nut shell .. Its a delight to watch this film !

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