User Reviews (120)

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  • The last episode of S2, I had a hard time watching. Face up after 2 times. Watching S3E1 and not 10 min in and I'm annoyed. I love the cast and am really disappointed by the shift into silliness. While it works, kind of, it's like it swallowed a huge bucket of silliness instead of just a cup. Like baking, ratios matter. I'll watch but in the background. Tolerable but not my fav show anymore.
  • Series 3 has lost the plot. Everyone overacts, especially Ashley Jensen. In series 3 her character is annoying, angry and mouthy. She trips and falls everywhere and it's not remotely humorous, just annoying. Series 1 and 2 are better and Fairies of Fryfam is my favourite episode. If there is a series 4 I hope they all tone down the silliness.
  • Yet another funny series about solving murders in idyllic English villages. No, this hasn't the taut writing or the sharp wit of Agatha Christie's but is more of a Midsomer Murders with slapstick comedy and one-liners. The setting is beautiful, but the characters are too stereotyped. The village seems to be made up of a handful of people which lends the series a aura of incredulity and just sheer fantasy. The plots all have holes, and without sufficient character development, or explanation, seem a bit silly to have been solved in the 40 minutes or so. Don't watch this with any seriousness in mind, it's more about silliness and escapism to provide mindless entertainment.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    BOOKS: I read two Agatha Raisin books. In both, Agatha was a vulgar, rude, foul tempered, narcissist, man-eater. She rants on angrily about her inability to chain smoke in public, obsesses continuously about her age and looks, and has an unbelievable need to get her name in the newspapers. She bed-hops in both books. In one, she visits a "Witch," and gets a love potion. She slips it twice in the drink of a Police Inspector!, never thinking or caring if this could harm him. She pops into bed with him and she gets engaged to this decent man, not because she cares about him but to spite James Lacey. Within a few days she meets up with Sir Charles and sex with him....with her fiancée finding them in bed. The second book was violent with three gruesome shotgun murders and two others. In both books Agatha is rescued multiple times by the police but continues to place herself and others in danger. She never thanks them or gives them credit for rescues. There is no way these books could be converted to a TV series for family viewing.

    SERIES: I've seen the entire first season of Agatha and just recently bought the DVD set, I like it so much. This Agatha is funny, sometimes edgy, flirty, smart, makes friends and cares so much when one woman is killed she cries. She makes mistakes in the beginning, accusing some of the murder (and two are arrested just on her accusations!!). Eventually she uses her brain to consider the evidence before narrowing it down to the murderer. I love her friend played by Katy Wix and her daughter. Of course there were changes from the books but I can't complain. The series is entertaining and different from anything we get in the U.S. in terms of modern crime fighting. If I had one complaint, it's that the inside of homes and businesses look too modern, like London. The scenery is gorgeous though. I hope they don't ruin it by giving this Agatha a Detective Agency as in the books. She's best as a non-professional.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Agatha Raisin follows a well-established but enjoyable tradition of the amateur sleuth outperforming the hapless police and finding murder here, there, and everywhere and is based on the adventures of a London-based PR star who relocates to the Cotswolds and finds the leafy and pastoral idyll to be a hotspot for all manner of deadly mayhem. This provides the backdrop in which Agatha solves (with the help of her former PR colleague, Roy, friend Sarah Bloxby, her cleaner, Gemma, the dashing military historian, James, and local aristocrat, Sir Charles) a number of murders in their village (and sometimes beyond, such as spars and rural cottages). The gang also continually come into contact (and conflict) with the sympathetic DC Bill Wong and the Clouseau-like DCI Wilkes (although how Wilkes attained this rank is anyone's guess). One issue with this type of show is that the formula is essentially repeated in every episode and to some degree the viewer accepts this (and it is part of the attraction), but there are instances in Agatha Raisin in which the episodes do feel very similar very quickly. For example, there are three episodes that basically repeat the same theme: an attractive vet, hairdresser, curate comes to the village and causes 90% of the women in said village to flock to them, but they all turn out to be swindlers and blackmailers (and are all murder victims due to this). So, the first series is very enjoyable, but the routine quality of the stories does soon set in, and a more serious issue is that the character of Agatha starts to become increasingly irksome. At one level, this is based on the slapstick aspects of her continually falling over, and this invariably just looks silly (in the Haunted House episode, why is she always stumbling and flailing about?), childish and tiresome (see Agatha climb over a wall and fall into a wheelie bin, oh, the hilarity! See Agatha misstep not once, but twice while simply walking along a garden path, ho, ho!). More substantially, as the series progresses, Agatha becomes more abrasive and rather rude at times and as such, is quite unsympathetic and even unlikable in some instances, which is a problem when the character is the central draw of the show. Furthermore, the cast dynamic changes, and this does alter the feel of the show. The relationship between Agatha and Gemma is a strength, but then Gemma inexplicably disappears to Ireland for a music festival (and gets value for money as it seemingly never ends) and sends her cousin, Toni, into Agatha's house to take her place and clean the gaff. Aside from the unlikely nature of this action. Toni's introduction is another example of the heavy-handed 'comedy' that progressively creeps into the show as she is shown to be an inept and destructive domestic force, but she nevertheless instantly joins Agatha's newly opened detective agency. However, in the space of a day Toni goes from being shown not knowing how to operate a vacuum cleaner or to possess the ability to wield a duster without destroying valuable PR award trophies to showing that she can expertly pick a lock with a hairclip and also possesses a very fortuitous photographic memory. So, Agatha Raisin is initially a good show, but the charm wears off as the recourse to having a central character continually falling over things and staggering around is not exactly the zenith of comedic sophistication and having Agatha make increasingly caustic comments to all and sundry is not a very good strategy to make her endearing.
  • This series is really fun. The characters are delightful and in my opinion well cast. I have not read the book/books? Therefore, I have no preconceived notions or requirements. Ashley Jensen is wonderful and the perfect opposite to Jamie Glover's character. The chemistry between the entire cast is great. I love the little town they are in, I feel like I am right there. The mysteries are good not overly predictable and sprinkled with just enough emotional ups and downs. But even then, as long as I am entertained by the story and characters it would not matter to me. Thank The Lord For Acorn TV - I would not have found this little treasure had it not been for that channel. I am really hoping there will be more. I will be disappointed if that is "all she wrote."
  • allisonjoys16 February 2022
    Everything that made the first two seasons charming was flushed down the toilet. I find it incredibly tedious to make it through an episode now. Without the gay best friend and house cleaner it's all just sad now. Not funny. I'd give it 3 stars but the first seasons bump it up.
  • Come into this without ANY preconceptions, unlike some who obviously recognize it as being 'different to the books', so from a pure and fresh viewpoint, just a really good fun, lighthearted series. Fabulous settings, attractive eccentric cast, for not-at-all serious light hearted viewing - and sometimes you just NEED that - for me, can just say, much enjoyed, and hope they make more... Have also seen some compare it to Midsomer M., but no - this is much lighter - strong comic element. Maybe cross between Midsomer and Vicar of Dibley!? Only confusion - how DO they manage to find so much sun when they are filming in the UK - certainly enhances the Cotswolds (as if it needed it). Imagine the cast have great fun doing it - more please...

    Follow up! Why the h*ll haven't Sky taken up 2nd Series? Come ON!
  • zdarov5 December 2016
    It took a while for this show to grow on me. Agatha's 'girly' facet didn't register at first, now I think it's a hoot. She's a really interesting character, and wonderfully played. *All* the actors are excellent. Her best friend Gemma is subtly divine. The two policemen each in their own way are wonderful. I've come to love the show, and really hope they will keep it going. We needed something to fill the gap of clever and engaging 'murder and tea.' No ugliness, shouting, acrimony, etc. Of course, the setting is gorgeous. Agatha has given up the bustle of the city and moved to the Cotswolds. So you get some of those 'quirky village characters' that Midsomer Murders excelled at. If you're a fan of Miss Marple and Poirot shows, or Miss Fisher's murder mysteries, you should really give this a try.
  • mivvi-8046018 June 2020
    Is just Awful, silly beyond belief season one was good what went wrong ?
  • No movie or TV show is like the book(s). Well, maybe Godfather 1. But I think this one follows the thoughtline of author MC Beaton close enough that we can recognize many similarities and storylines. As a long time MC Beaton mystery fan, I was a bit surprised by the screen Agatha played by Ashley Jensen. She is certainly not the picture I had of bear eyed Agatha in the books. So I think of her as a younger version. However, Jensen won me over through great acting, exhibiting no doubt that she had the same attibutes and failings of book Agatha. In fact, she nailed the part in her own way, not the same in looks but absolutely capturing the persona of the character. The supporting players were outstanding as well and they were easily recognized from the books. Unlike the women in and out of the stories, sprucing themselves up to make goo-goo eyes at the latest new man to the village, there is one with understated beauty that you might miss. The wife of the reverend, looking the part of clergy family, Sarah Bloxby as played by Lucy Liemann with straight hair and a plain look about her goes unappreciated. But when she smiles in closeups, her face lights up the screen. She is also able to handle very difficult scenes. The four men around Agatha (Wong, Silver, Fraith and Lacy) play their parts so very well, and close to the books. DCI Wilkes played by Jason Barnett keeps us laughing with comedy and Agatha's cleaning lady Katy Wix was missed in this last episode. Hopefully she will be coming back. "All in all", I say job well done by the whole crew and keep up the good work! I'm sure there will be some put off by any differences from the books. Try to separate the two and enjoy the show for the writing and acting that is so expertly presented.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    We SO wanted to like this show 100%. It has many of our favorite features... gorgeous locations, fun actors, intriguing mysteries, clean vocabulary, MC Beaton, ....

    We've watched the first three seasons and it seems to be a mash-up of Psych and Midsomer Murders (two shows we love), but it lacks their mindfulness esp during the silly bits....

    ...The characters aren't as wise as they should be given their occupations and stations in life. Agatha shows zero PR skills or smarts when it comes to anything but high-profile PR scenarios, instead she's a ditz and an annoying bully. And most of the supporting cast seems to be pushovers who do nothing but sit around all day waiting to be bullied, which makes them often very boring. The story when James goes missing all hinged on characters saying "I've got something to say" rather than saying what they have to say w the few seconds they have. Hugely annoying and boring story tactic.

    ...Gemma disappeared! She was hilarious and always seemed to have the insight that Agatha lacked and gave it in such a understated way that was, again, hilarious and made us want to shout "You Go, Girl!". Maybe her level of comedy was too clever for this show. At least they've kept DCI Wilkes. He is truly smart funny rather than clown funny.

    ...It's uncomfortably and unnecessarily raunchy which again makes the characters seem more stupid and childish and makes the viewers squirm depending on who their viewing mates are. And what's with all the casual sleeping around and getting drunk? Again, difficult to care about characters who lack a bit of humanity and self-care even if the show is supposed to be silly and camp. It was extremely difficult to care about James after he treated Agatha so poorly at the end of Season 1. And Sir Fraith just keeps getting more and more attractive the more honorable and healthy he becomes.

    Anyway... This wonderful show isn't yet quite as clever as MM or Death In Paradise or Shakespeare And Hathaway or Father Brown, but we're hoping it gets better and better. It's meant to be an alternative to today's myriad dark mystery dramas. Ironically, it leaves us wanting to watch Vera or Lewis or Endeavour (not super dark, but not silly either), to wash away the grade-school humor. It does differ a LOT from the books, which is sad for those would love to see Beaton's Agatha on screen, but okay for those who now have the books to look forward to.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I loved the Agatha Raisin books- and thought the first two series were terrific. Yes-Agatha was now Scots-and blonde- but the atmosphere of the books was recreated and I loved them.

    I rewatched episode one of series 1 last night-and could cry at the utter mess they have made of the series. It's not the casts fault. They are as good as ever- but whoever directs this has the characters behaving outrageously over the top- like pantomime dames!

    Exaggerated grimaces and comedy stage whispers and ridiculously flamboyant gestures are destroying any atmosphere it once had.

    Talking of pantomime dames- Agatha's wardrobe??? What on earth are they playing at? Agatha dresses expensively, yet is chic.

    The costumes they have her wearing are utterly ridiculous! A swarm of large Bee brooches over the front and back of her dress? A lurid silk kimono jacket- with a massive pink satin bow on the back?

    Ashley Jensen is lovely-and played Agatha's insecurities wonderfully with the smallest of facial expression-usually with her eyes.

    Now she grimaces and gurns like a mad person. The rest of the cast are equally afflicted- so I can only blame the director.

    Please- get this sorted!
  • I really enjoyed this series. The village it is shot in is beautiful and the characters who live there in the show are a real hoot. It's great that Acron produces shows like this, no nudity, profanity, drugs or gun play, just snappy dialogue and funny situations. Each episode has much the same form but how the crime is solved is far from formulaic and no matter how desperate the situation Agatha manages with the help of long suffering friends, to come out on top. This series has the potential to enjoy many future seasons much like the Midsomer Murder franchise.
  • Stumbled across this show on Acorn TV and I'm happy I did. It's delightful. It's fun. I like the settings, the characters and the actors. However, I am totally unfamiliar with the original books. That being said, I don't think it much matters. I was a fan of the TV show "Bones" for a number of seasons before I picked up one of Kathy Reichs' novels. I admit it was a bit jarring at first. The books and the TV show have really only two things in common; the name of the main character and her profession. I stopped trying to compare the two and enjoy both as stand-alone entities. If I read the Agatha Raisin books, I shall keep it in mind to apply the same rule--after reading some of these reviews. In the mean time, I loved this show and am looking forward to a second season.
  • I've changed my old rating of 9 down to 7. I was aghast at season 3 and didn't finish. If you haven't seen the show yet, I recommend and hope you enjoy - season 1 especially, season 2 mostly. The Witch of Wickhadden is my favorite episode. Lovely additional cast members, neat setting.

    I'm sorry for the folks who read the books first and were disappointed in the show! This series got me reading the books, which has been great. (Even those start going downhill. No disrespect and RIP, Ms Beaton.) I have no trouble reconciling 'book Agatha' and 'TV Agatha.'

    The early formula was excellent, and I dearly wish the story/production team will try to recapture it. Shorter like they were, more of them, and less pratfalls and such. And yes, Katy Wix was a big part of that formula for me, too, I saw other reviews saying so! A real charmer, and her character plays off Agatha's so well.

    For now, I will just rewatch the early episodes like I've done numerous times. It's a charming place to be.
  • I am a huge fan of the books. I am excited that they turned it in to a series. Yes, she stumbles along but that's what I like. Not a fan of the blond hair and the casting of the Bloxby's. Love the upgrade of Miss. Simpson. Total fan and hope the series continues. It's a fun murder mystery show. I like how each episode is not rushed. Some murder mystery shows drag out then rush at the end. I also like the change of DCI Wilkes and the Boggle's. Wilkes isn't such an arse and the Boggle's are a regular feature. I also like the fact that the main characters don't live in different villages. The changes from the book are totally acceptable and work. Still love the books and looking forward to the next one.
  • Agatha Raisin is a lighthearted crime comedy about a PR guru turned into amateur sleuth. The titular Agatha, having spend years working in PR industry, abandoned her career to enjoy simple life in a remote village. The place she moves to is quintessentially British - tea parties, garden competitions and so on...everybody is happy and friendly. Oh, this village made me wanna cry and scream. I wanna sell everything I have and move to England (dream on, after all these refugee crisis and the Brexit referendum it is hardly possible). OK, life seems perfect for Agatha but time and again some of her neighbors are found dead. The bumbling police officers are of no use and Agatha investigates the murders on her own. The problem with this series is that it just does not work as detective. All Agatha's investigations follow the same pattern: she sneaks into the crime scene and finds some important clue the police fails to notice. Then some brilliant idea suddenly comes to her and she knows who the murderer is. This is it. If seen as comedy the series is well done. There are lots of funny situations and dialogues that made me laugh. Some of the characters are really funny. But if compared to such masterpieces as Midsomer Murders or Inspector Lewis, Agatha Raisin may look rather silly. But all in all the series provides the audience with 45 minute worth of light entertainment.
  • I've been reading the books since the 90's and have enjoyed them quite a bit. While not great literature, they are an entertaining, light read. You'll have to excuse some very glaring continuity issues - hello, what are editors for? - but still a lot of fun.

    The TV series is the same - entertaining, light fun. I know many are disparaging the TV series as not being enough like the books, but I don't agree. I don't think it matters if the characters are exactly like the books. In a book, you can spend very little space getting into a character's thoughts and motivations, something really quite hard and often boring to do in film. Updating from the 90"s to now means that quite a bit has to change including how Agatha would operate in PR and the world at large. Like the Hamish MacBeth TV show (which is fabulous, by the way) I think the writers for this series took the fun and the spirit of the books, without some of the nastiness or unbelievable plot devices, and have created something entertaining.

    This Agatha Raisin is a character for "now" not the 90's and is well-written and acted. I'd really like to see another series.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Probably SPOILERS. Just finished season 3 and I think I'm done. First season was pretty good, London PR guru moves to the countryside to get away from the fast life. Trying to blend in she runs into al kinds of crime you start wondering there still people living there. Right up her alley though cause to her investigative skills, so she try to solve them with a constantly changing team of friends from the past and new friend's out of the village. All alongside the not so bright local DI and his countable Bill, which is a friend or fan of her. Missed the chapter 0. Al kind of typical amusing situations brings them surprisingly to the solutions, while her struggle to fit in continues. Fun to watch, just enough humor to get the sharp edges of the hard crime's there fighting, and al kind of romantic tension. So they decide to double length episodes the next season trying to feed off of the success of midsummer murder and those Agatha Christie's miss Marple episodes. There it went wrong a bit because the series is way lighter due to the level of humor. Instead of making it a bit more serious, they decide to enhance on the comic side by dressing the main character in all kinds of clownesk outfits and making her stumble every time she's shadowing somebody or she's committing burglary again to gather information, like that's a normal police procedure. First it was because of the high heels but it stays the same when then let her where flat sneakers or running shoes, always in a extreem colour to make her recognizable. It became more and more Benny Hill like. On top of it al she starts to boss around everybody including the police officers in charge, constantly implying they are inadequate. Last chapter they had a clothing scene where she start raving mad explaining the solution filling in the blanks out of nowhere. To much for me.

    Still a lot of viewers will like it just the same so go ahead, most of the acting of the other roles are still up to the standard.
  • dccrew9 February 2022
    Again I watched season 4, why ? I guess I keep hoping it gets better. What a waste of time, characters are nothing close to those in Beaton's books and the acting tells you they just needed to make a payment. Watched it last night and this morning my wife asked if we had finished the episode and if so who was the killer. Honestly I couldn't give her an answer. Spoiler, the show will spoil your evening.
  • It is difficult to rate Agatha Raisin because the first 2 seasons are so really great, but season 3 is awful. I can't even finish season 3. I don't know if they got different writers or if there is a different show runner, but so many fundamental aspects of character and nuance were completely changed in season 3. If season 3 was season 1, I would never have watched it. I so want Agatha Raisin renewed for a 4th season with a return to the 1st 2 seasons thoughtfulness, skills, etc. Seasons 1 and 2 and so fun, Agatha is very observant, she and James have amazing chemistry and work so wonderfully together, and they care for each other. I'm not saying she was a perfect person, she's not. She's prickly, and even though she understands how people think and react, it is difficult for her to behave like a normal person. She'll blurb out inappropriate comments without any sense that those words are hurtful or inappropriate. Yet she does care about James and her cohorts. Bring Agatha Raisin back but only as she was and not as she was tweaked.
  • If Jessica Fletcher was a bit younger, more fashionable, and a lot more full of herself, she'd probably be Agatha Raisin. Ashley Jensen and her co-stars make this series work as the plots themselves (with a couple of exceptions) are rather pedestrian (and some are downright bad). But it's mainly watching Agatha Raisin trip about the Cotswolds in her high heels and high ego doing the investigating thing. Mathew Horne is a kind of gay Watson to her Sherlock. Matt McCooey is wholesomely self-effacing as DC Bill Wong and I quite like Lucy Liemann as the vicar's wife as she seems the most level-headed of all of them (I could see a mystery series built around her sensible character). And the other co-stars are good, too. But none of it is to be taken seriously. P. S. I also quite liked Katy Wix who leaves the series half way through. I don't know if it's coincidence but her last episode was the execrable Fairies of Fryfam where she spends the entire episode inexplicably carrying around a duck. I'd leave, too.
  • Not a good show. The characters and storylines are tedious. It's not even amusing, if you want a comedy crime solver, there are some far better alternatives out there.
  • jax7133 March 2017
    I watched Season 1 over a few days and am disappointed there may never be a continuing series. As a big fan of British TV mysteries, this was a highly entertaining departure for me. While it reminded me of Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries because of the main character, I liked Agatha Raisin much more. I haven't read the books so I had no preconceived notions about any of the characters but the TV Agatha is so appealing that I'm hard put to understand some reviewers not liking the interpretation made by the show producers. If the TV Agatha has a different color hair, so what?

    Since I've known many female PR executives in real life, for me, Ashley Jensen is a perfect example of an accomplished career woman in that profession: intelligent, pro-active, confident, goal oriented, oftentimes domineering, and always a fashionista. I found it funny that Agatha still wears the fabulous clothes and high-heeled shoes traipsing about the English countryside that she wore in the more sophisticated landscape of London. So ingrained is her high style wardrobe that she seems not to notice the potential threat of navigating cobblestone roads and marshy grasslands in stilettos. Because Agatha is supposed to be an "older" woman, Jensen is also the right age for this role as she shows a very wee bit of the start of drooping skin in certain lighting, but does not detract at all from her good looks, putting her more in the updated cougar category even though she is not interested in scoring with all manner of men. The trendy hairstyle, red lipstick and always manicured red nails is a welcome & fitting contrast to the "country" women in her village. Miss Marple she is not, and instead of knitting, Agatha cycles. The rest of the cast is nicely tuned, particularly Jamie Glover whose normal, regular guy personna is humorous in itself as he tries to protect and woo the effervescent Agatha. I also fully enjoy the character of Roy who brings that certain brand of hilarious gay humor to the show and also provides Agatha with a deep friendship that has history, an invaluable asset to any lead character. I'm not sure if the bi-racial coupling of the vicar and his wife was in the books, but it seems odd to me and I wonder if it was a decision based in tokenism. Of late, many British shows present mixed couples but, conversely, I can't recall seeing a strictly minority couple. Perhaps this is some kind of trend.

    I see all kinds of potential stories for this series especially if Agatha is married. Not since The Thin Man have we seen a happily married couple who lead an unconventional lifestyle that sometimes involves solving a murder. It would be nice to expect another season or two. Update August 2018: VERY EXCITING NEWS - SEASON 2 is in the works!!
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