
  • Well the Mummy Returns is exactly that. Entertaining no doubt but ever so similar to the first film. The returning cast return playing exactly the same characters with some extra 'revelations' casually thrown in. As a pure entertainment it isn't bad at all. However much was brought over from the first film you wonder where all the good ideas have gone (the special effects?). The Scorpion King was good but was ultimately superficial but the O'Connell offspring was a tad irritating. Everything else is frighteningly samey, even certain plot devices were recycled. Once again we are treated to Imhotep's face chasing our heroes and we get another oddball pilot.

    Of note is the substantial amount of visual effects the viewer is assaulted with. Some were great (the oasis) but some were rather disappointing (the Scorpion King) but as a whole they worked well and gave a film a nice sheen.

    All in all rather fun but nothing new. People who watched the first film will know what to expect. Just leave your brain at home, sit back and enjoy. I give this a 7.