• In 1884, the British empire dominated a quarter of the world. Lieutenant Harry (Heath Ledger) is the son of a British general and is engaged with Ethne (Kate Hudson). His best friend and rival of the love of Ethne is Jack Durrance (Wes Bentley). When his company is assigned to fight in the desert of Sudan, Harry decides to quit the army and get married with Ethne. However, his father disinherits him and three of his friends from the army and Ethne give four feathers to him, symbolizing that he is coward. Harry decides to leave London and goes to Sudan alone to help his friends in the fight against the Sudanese and his own fears. This movie has one of the most implausible story I have ever seen. The decision of Harry going to the desert without any support or plan sounds even very ridiculous. But the action scenes are very well choreographed, the photography in the desert is wonderful and the story about loyalty, friendship and overcoming fears has good intention and is not so bad. Something is missing to become an excellent film, but anyway it is an enjoyable entertainment. My vote is seven.

    Title (Brazil): `Honra e Coragem: As Quatro Plumas' (`Honor and Courage: The Four Feathers')