• Marvel's mutant vampire hunter returns in this third installment of the series, and considering the plethora of vampires killed in recent movies, it's a wonder that any of the rapacious bloodsuckers still exist. But apparently they are still here wreaking their havoc, with only Blade (Wesley Snipes) and his mentor Whistler (an even more grizzled than usual Kris Kristofferson) around to stop them...

    This newest adventure has Blade pursuing none other than a resurrected Dracula (Dominic Purcell), now known as Drake and looking like a 1980's Goth rocker. Oh yeah, it seems that Drake was napping in a crypt in Iraq, making him the only weapon of mass destruction found there to date… funny!

    In Blade : Trinity, Blade finds himself being pursued by police, thus teaming with a tiny but earnest band of guerilla vampire-hunters who call themselves Night stalkers. They would have opted for the name "Care bears, but that was already taken", as the wisecracking Han Solo type named Hannibal King (Ryan Reynolds) put it. The group is led by Whistler's daughter, Abigail (Jessica Biel), who officially breaks out of the 7th Heaven leash after her shower scene. And finally, Sommerfield (Natasha Lyonne), a blind scientist working on a more permanent solution to the vampire problem. Their nemeses include a particularly strong-willed female vampire (Parker Posey, taking a break from earnest indie films), her cohorts (Callum Keith and WWE star Triple H), and about a billion 'n' a half vampires. Who seem to die at the drop of a silver bullet or the flash of an ultraviolet light, and their deaths are downright festive. They light up like golden x-rays, and then explode into a shower of sparks. Canada Day celebrations haven't seen this many fireworks in it's 135+ years of existence, what are we thinking?

    The ending suggests that there may be more "Blade" films, but the prospects seem far-fetched. After Dracula shows up in your vampire flick, is there anywhere else to go? This is by far the most humorous "Blade" flick, and it has surely topped the trio