• Picture concerns about a gangster called Eddie Kagle (Paul Muni) who is based his way of living on what Omar Khayyan once said : ¨Live fully while you may and reckon not the cost¨ . He leaves the State Penitentiary where was imprisoned accused of murderous , Eddie makes a covenant with the devil (Claude Rains) and returns to earth for vengeance as an important judge . He becomes incarnated a kind judge and the problems emerge when is romanced with his girlfriend (Anne Baxter) , falling in love with her , but the good-heart mobster spoils the relationship .

    It's a romantic movie with a supernatural love story . Enjoyable romance tale in which the protagonist trio is sensational . Bemusing fantasy with excellent interpretation by Paul Muni (Scarface) in a comic character while he usually played historical or dramatic roles . Claude Rains(Casablanca) as an ironic and obstinate Devil is magnificent although in ¨Here comes Mr. Jordan¨ he played an Angel . Anne Baxter is enticing and attractive . Fine production design at the Inferno's recreation . The motion picture is well directed by Archie Mayo (Bordertown , Petrified forest , Black legion) in his last film , he's a specialist on noir cinema and worked with almost all Warner Brothers biggest stars (Paul Muni , James Cagney, George Raft , Humphrey Bogart) though also directed some comedy , as this film and with Marx Brothers, ¨One night in Casablanca¨ which had more pace and spirit that some of their later works . Rating : Entertaining and well worth watching .