
  • This is not a science fiction movie as the collection states. It begins with a theft of some guns. It looks promising. Who are these people the men are stealing from? How will they retaliate. They do their deed and off they go. The next thing, they are washed ashore on an island full of Polynesian women (well, most of them are). They are welcomed in and given some pretty cool swim suits. The hang around but realize that when "the boat" comes, one of them is going to have to face the music for his checkered past. The good brother falls in love with a young woman when he realizes she is going to be sacrificed to the shark god. He rescues her and then kidnaps the old lady who runs a pearl diving business on the island. She obviously does business with non-islanders but also continues to do these ritual sacrifices. Apparently, the population of the island is getting smaller. The young women seem to go willingly. The movie ends about as suspected. It's just an endless, talky, somewhat pointless piece of seaweed. Now where can I get one of those swimsuits?