• Warning: Spoilers
    Blade: Trinity. 2004 New Line Cinema.

    Review: So, it's come to this. The last installment of Blade. Look up the word messy and Blade: Trinity will be seen as the perfect example of messy. This film is a total disaster. Let's go with pros and cons to sum things up.

    Pros: Wesley Snipes returns as Blade.

    Cons: Snipes looks embarrassed here.

    Pros: Jessica Biel is here. Great eye candy.

    Cons: Biel's character seems like filler than an actual person.

    Pros: Ryan Reynolds put on some serious weight.

    Cons: Reynolds can't fight at all.

    Pros: Triple H is here. His lines are delivered well and steals the show.

    Cons: Triple H is not used well here. No character development as well.

    Pros: The bad guy is Dracula.

    Cons: Casting of Dracula (or Drake) is terrible. Horrible actor. Character development is awful, and seems to be here just to fight Blade.

    Pros: Blade's mentor Whistler is back.

    Major Spoiler****

    Cons: Whistler is dispatched quickly. If you looked away for a second, you would miss the death scene. Worse yet, Whistler is killed by human police officers, and kills a bunch of them beforehand.

    Pros: Blade's muscle car is back.

    Cons: I'm running out of pros.

    Pros: Vampire dogs (it's original).

    Cons: Triple H and Wesley Snipes, the only two in this movie who know how to fight, do NOT fight in one-on-one combat. Instead HHH has to fight Reynolds. What's the point?!

    Cons: A human Reynolds defeats a Vampire HHH. So very wrong.

    Cons: Dracula wore gold chains here.

    Cons: Jessica Biel listens to her Ipod while hunting vamps. Lame.

    Cons: Triple H should have played Dracula.

    Cons: The night stalkers. Who? Should I care? No. Next.

    Cons: The blind woman that can read computer monitors???

    Cons: Dracula talks of honor, but threatens to kill a newborn baby earlier.

    Cons: Dracula ran away from Blade. Why?

    Cons: The vamps bite like reapers from Blade two and no explanation as to how.

    Cons: HHH aside, the rest of the evil vamps are like MTV rejects, and are not menacing at all. Just annoying.

    Cons: Blade is in no real danger throughout this movie.

    Cons: A terrible way to end a good movie franchise. Ouch.

    The Last Word: Poor Blade. This is indeed the stake driven though Blade's heart. This is easily one of the worst of the year, or the decade. I'll stick with the latter. Skip it.