• Warning: Spoilers
    Grant Grant, a wealthy man from a small town, married to the beautiful Starla, becomes infected by an alien and unknown plague,after walking in the forest one night. The alien thing, makes everyone who is it's host into kind of zombie disfigured creatures. And in Grant's case, his physical changes don't take much time to show. With time passing, Grant becomes more violent, disfigured and bizarre. The murderers and missed people starts to increase. How much time will take to people notice he changed?

    ''Slither'' is considered to be a ''horror-comedy '', but I found that is more of a B horror movie then anything else. The movie remembers in many aspects movies like ''The Blob'' ( where there is an alien) and ''The Fly', where both characters become disfigured and a non- human thing. It is not the type of movie who makes you scared, it's more to feel disgusted of how the main character becomes grotesque and repugnant. If you are a David Cronenberg fan, I guess you will enjoy the movie pretty much.