
  • OK this film is cheap, with limited effects and a relatively unknown cast. It just proves that you don't need allowed of money or Hollywood to entertain somebody for a couple of hours. I was sceptical before viewing this movie but i must say it was surprisingly enjoyable and original.

    Some guys are doing an army exercise in the woods of Scotland, when they are stalked and chased by werewolves. They manage to escape the woods and reach the only house nearby, where they end up desperately fighting for their lives against some savage beasts.

    This is by no means a straight out horror movie. There is a lot of action and even some moments of comedy. There is also a clever twist towards the end and the audience is kept guessing who will survive and who won't. The men act like true heroes in the fighting and I genuinely felt for them - unlike in so many horror films.

    Another thing I particularly loved about Dog Soldiers is that it's so British. I'm tired of so many good American horror movies! The setting in Scotland, the dialogue and the men are very British. Although its not completely original many elements of this film are. Admittedly the effects aren't great and although a bit jumpy at times I didn't find this one scary (though that isn't its main aim).

    A refreshing and entertaining film; OK its not a classic but i still recommend it. If you liked this check out the Descent (by the same director) with a bit more cash