• I just got through watching the pilot for this show and all it did was confuse me. The pace of the delivery of the lines was hard to get used to and I suspect it's not very appealing to most people. It's also very confusing why this is on the ABC Family Channel. There were at least three times I remember the main character Wendy telling someone to "go to hell". There are a lot of references to outdated things such as Patsy Cline and the Carter administration that most children won't relate to. There are plenty of things that adults will relate to like a reference to the line from "Planet of the Apes"..."Get your filthy paws off of me you damn dirty ape".

    There is a short visit to a strip club (nothing is shown). There is a short dialogue where both main characters exchange playful curse words that get bleeped out with a censor box placed over their mouths. In the first ten minutes of this episode the words "homosexual" and "lesbian" are used casually and later on Wendy calls two men "hormone jockeys". There are some funny references especially with a musician that hangs out in Wendy's hallway, but for the most part this is just hard to follow. Don't waste your time watching this. They've only made three episodes and I doubt they'll make more anyway.

    ABC Family Channel has a new tag line "A New Kind of Family". If this is what they think we want as family television programming, they are sadly confused. This show belongs on a different channel, but it won't last anyway so it's not worth complaining about.