
  • I've read many negative opinions of this film. And I can understand those angry people who say it has nothing in common with the classic novel or some even say this film disgraces it. I can understand them but I don't agree with them.

    First of all I'd like to say that I've been a dire-hard fan of the classic novel since my childhood (now I'm 28). Especially I loved D'Artagnan an Atos. And I loved Milady!!! Yes I really loved her! She was such a bitchy girl! (I'd like to watch her playing by young Sharon Stone, but maybe it's too much!). So the guys were the heroes of my childhood and I 've always realized all the brilliance of the novel and its characters!

    So when I watched this film for the first time (approx. in 1995-96) I was so angry with it! "How could they spoil such a beautiful story!", I exclaimed. But with years I became much more patient with this film and began to realize that it's quite good but on its own. You see, so many times filmmakers tried to screen The Three Musketeers. Some did better some did worse. In Russia we have our own version of the novel which is made in style of a musical (and have always been of a great popularity here). But the Disney version is something new. Something that has never been done before.

    Yes there're a lot of clichés there. There're constant discrepancies with the novel. There're talks and actions that could never happen in those times. But there is a lot of fun in this film! And it's not an absurd fun like in Hot Shots or Men In Tights. It's a warm and light-hearted fun for children and adults. It's, as we say in Russia, AN OLD STORY IN A NEW WAY. And it surely has a right to live.

    And finally I'd like to say that only those who really understand and adore The Three Musketeers by A. Dumas are able to enjoy this movie. Like a king who is perfectly aware of his greatness and power would never be seriously angry with his jester.