• I never won this game, but I got through enough of it to review. Let me just say that final fight was super hard and was really ticking me off so instead of going into a Hulk like rage and smashing the television screen I just gave up. Not really my style, but it was just an incredibly hard ending sequence. As for the rest of the game it is a mixed bag, but for the most part it is good as there is a nice couple of story lines in it featuring The Shocker and Mysterio. In fact, I think I enjoyed those two stories more than the one that was based on the movie. I was very disappointed with the fights with Dr. Octopus as they just were awful. I was expecting some really cool fights with the tentacles going everywhere, but the couple of fights there were with him were just him walking on the ceiling. The fighting was okay at times, but strength seems to have been taken out of Spidey's repertoire. This happened in the next game as well, why they never want to make Spider-man super strong and just make him agile and swing around the city. However, that is the high point of this game, the web slinging is simply great fun. In fact I could just do that for an hour at a time. During your web swinging you also have to save people and stop random crimes, this too is a weak point as they just did not add enough variety to the random crimes. Still, this game has its moments like the final fight with Mysterio as that one was not hard but humorous and the voice over work by Bruce Campbell. I just wish they would make a Spider-man game that includes his strength, great web swinging and a lot of super villains.