• Warning: Spoilers
    For Ricky Gervais, following up the mega-hit The Office was always going to be a tall order and, quite cleverly, he sidestepped the issue by producing something that was altogether different.

    Stepping out of the small scale world of a stationers in Slough, here Gervais plays Andy Millman, a man beset by frustration due to his inability to catch a break in the world of acting. Working as a run-of-the-mill extra on one project after another, his only source of solace is his constant companion Maggie, a fellow extra who feels equal frustrations.

    More melancholy than The Office, at times it veers dangerously close to being sentimental, but usually manages to steer itself clear of that hurdle just in time.

    With cameo's from the great and the good of Hollywood (and Ross Kemp), this sees the stars perform admirably out of character: Ben Stiller as the utterly dislikeable, spoilt star turned director; Kate Winslet as a kinky Nun; Patrick Stewart and his obsession with breasts.

    Most of the cameos work well enough, and every episode is at least enjoyable, though it lacks the real darkness and bite that I tend to look for.

    Still, decent enough.