• One thing comes to mind, that this is an off-beat, slowed down and less entertaining version of "Mr. and Mrs. Smith". I might be wrong, but it sure does look that way.

    I thought this movie was a comedy, but I didn't laugh once throughout the movie, nor did it manage to make me smile. Sure the movie moved forward at a decent pace, but where did the comedy go? There are some nice twists throughout the movie, but that is basically all that this movie have working for it.

    If you have seen the movie with Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt, "Mr. and Mrs. Smith", then this movie comes off as a cheap imitation, and your money would be better spent on "Mr. and Mrs. Smith", mark my words.

    The performances by Kutcher, Heigl and Selleck were top notch, no doubt about it, but the movie just didn't work in their favor. There was something missing from this movie to make it stand out, to make it work as a whole experience. And the action scenes were also adequately nice to look at, good action, fast car chases and alright fight scenes. But that wasn't enough to keep this movie floating.

    This was a sore disappointment to me, and it is not a movie that I will be returning to for a second viewing.