• This is the film which i expected to be good while watching the promos. Imran Khan looked good in the promos...So i was expecting a stylish thriller but it turned out to be a Damp Squib. This film can be a good lessons to actors like Imran Khan and other actors who sign movies in the love for their roles narrated in the film and forget about the script. This is a really awful predictable thriller.

    Coming to performances, everyone is mediocre except Imran Khan who shines as the kidnapper, although he tends to go weak in his acting several times especially When He confronts Sanjay Dutt in the end, You feel the actor needs acting lessons. Minisha Lamba is an actress who has given respectable performances in her past movies. But here she is terrible. She opted for cleavage and skin show and got nothing from it. Vidya Malavade is OK but you feel like laughing when you come to know she is playing Minisha's mother. Sanjay Dutt is passable. His age is overpowering him,

    The thing which always knocks my head, I would like to ask the scriptwriter, they never wanted a romantic angle in this movie right? then why they made the kidnapper having a heart of gold and showing a young lady who is showing so much cleavage and doesn't romance. Does it make any sense? A romantic angle could have saved this movie.

    On the Whole, Don't waste your time for this one...this is one more example of a good idea turned horribly wrong.