• The Godfather Legacy (2012)

    ** 1/2 (out of 4)

    This documentary lets viewers know that THE GODFATHER was a masterpiece and that THE GODFATHER PART II was considered even better by many. This documentary then informs us that THE GODFATHER PART III wasn't enjoyed by too many fans. There are some good moments scattered throughout this documentary but sadly by the time it's over the viewer realizes that we're still without a definitive look at the series. Francis Ford Coppola, Al Pacino, James Caan, Talia Shire and a few others from the production of the trilogy are interviewed and we basically get the same stories that we've been hearing the past forty years. The studio didn't want Brando. The studio and others wanted Caan to play the Michael role. Coppola was certain the film would be a flop. So on and so on. The added "touch" this documentary brings is that we've got ex Mafia members, mob experts, psychiatrists and other experts talking about the impact of the films. There are really two different types of films here and sadly they really don't mix all that well. The stories from the director and cast are fun to hear even if you're already familiar with them. The problem is that this can't be a definitive look at the series because so much go undiscussed and there are so many people like DeNiro, Duvall and Keaton who are still with us but not interviewed. As far as the other stuff goes, I really don't need a doctor telling me what characters are thinking. I'm no doctor and I can figure this out on my own. THE GODFATHER LEGACY is still worth viewing if you're a fan of the series but you do have to wonder why we're still waiting for a great look at the series. At least both Coppola and Pacino finally give their honest opinions on the third film.