• "Zombie Cheerleader Camp" resembles something that made its way out of the late 1980's. Yes, it is just that campy and that particular type of horror / comedy zombie movie.

    The story in this movie is corny and campy, something unbelievably predictable and stupid - as it should be for a movie of this particular type. Rooting back to Nazi Germany, odd experiments were made on people, turning them into the living dead. Then come the end of the war and the Americans seize the materials from the Nazis, further studying and utilizing the material, and they end up burying it in a cave, sealing it with explosives. Then 60 years later a squirrel makes its way into the cave and falls into a cannister with the material, and turns into a zombie. The squirrel attacks some young guys out fishing, and the zombie infection quickly spreads to the remote cheer-leading camp as well...

    Well, the story in all its cheesiness, is enjoyable in itself, but just don't expect too much from the movie, as it is a low budget movie, with some questionable acting performances and not too great special effects.

    The characters in the movie did come of as a bit one-dimensional and rather stereotypical, making it a bit difficult to sympathize with any of them. However, it does seem like the cast did have fun on the set and fun making this movie.

    There was a little bit of gore in the movie, as in the traditional feasting of the intestines, as seen in many, many zombie movies. But that overall late 1980's feel of the movie comes into expression through the nudity, the overall setting of the movie and the downright campy touch to it. One scene had me laughing really hard, it was where the grounds-keeper managed to cut off the head of a zombie with a weed whacker, as if that wasn't bad enough, then the girl's hair was dark brown in the first shot, then when the painfully fake prosthetic head fell to the ground, the hair was black and even had a whole other hairstyle. It was just hilarious.

    The best scene in the entire movie had to be where you see seven cheerleader zombies shambling out into a clearing at the woods (at an hour and thirty seconds into the movie), accompanied by some very Romerosque-like music. That was just pure gold, and really could easily have been taken right out from a Romero zombie movie. Thumbs up for constructing that scene. The fight scenes in the movie were just hilarious in general, especially with the lack of force behind the punches and swinging of the bat.

    I have seen many a low budget zombie movies throughout the years, and "Zombie Cheerleader Camp" is actually not as bad as some of the ones I have seen. So it is a watchable movie, just don't have too much expectations for it.