• Warning: Spoilers
    Charming, romantic, comical and beautiful are the best words to describe My Best Girl, Mary Pickford's delightful last silent film. Mary's choice to return to a lovely, simple and straightforward story, produced a most heartwarming film. The humour revolves around her rather kooky family, a constant source of embarrassment for the young shop girl who is in love with a stock boy, Charles "Buddy" Rogers, who unknown to Mary is really the son of the owner of the store, and very wealthy. The young man is already engaged to a high society girl chosen by his mother, but it is the genuinely honest and unspoiled shop girl he falls in love with. This story excels so well because it does not mire down in sappy melodrama, provides the perfect balance of comedy, and satisfies with a very pleasing ending. It is the relationship between Mary and Buddy's characters that keeps your interest growing, hoping for the happy ending the story provides. Pickford chose Rogers herself to play the leading man and he is superb in the role. The chemistry between the two is magnetic, endearing and believable. With top-notch cinematography, directing and acting, My Best Girl is a winning success, a silent film that still easily delivers pure enjoyment.