• Warning: Spoilers
    The primary reason to watch this movie is to see Edward G. Robinson's first time playing a gangster ( Dominic) at Warner Brothers. Robinson had that role down pat ( this was his fourth time he played a mob boss). The biggest problem is the main star Alice White ( Polly Henderson). The problem is although Polly is beautiful to look at, she is far too lightweight to be in a gangster movie ( as is her future love interest 'Swifty' Dorgan Neil Hamilton (best known as Perry White on the 'Superman' a TV Series)). The story involves Polly pretending to be the 'Widow' of Hamilton in order to find out who murdered her policeman brother., who was pretending to be Hamilton ( who he believed died from a leap into the East River). Of course, the problem happens when ( spoilers ahead) he survived and found out about his "Widow." Of course, she succeeds and tricks Robinson into confessing to the murder on the phone while the cops listen. Of course, 'Swifty' saves her from Dominic, and as Dominic says "Invite me to the wedding, but make it fast, because I am afraid, I will not be around for awhile." Which inspires 'Swifty to pop the question. One other thing about the movie is songs ( probably sung by Alice White), that were cut from the movie ( as a gangster film fan ( and hater of musicals) that was a good thing). Basically this movie shows clearly the rise of Robinson and harder edge movies and the end of Alice White's fluff. 8 of 10 stars.