• This is a bright and breezy Disney comedy that works because of the performances by Jodie Foster and Barbara Harris. Teenage Annabel Andrews (Foster) switches bodies with her mother Ellen (Harris) on Friday the 13th.

    Annabel realises that managing a home is not easy with cooking, cleaning, managing various workmen, doing various chores. Ellen finds out that being a high school kid is no fun. She messes up at the typewriter class, causes chaos at the photography darkroom and the hockey game leaves her bruised.

    It is a case of understanding each other's lives. Foster does well as the grown up mom inhibits her body, likewise with Harris playing the teenager all at sea at being domesticated.

    It is all amiable and easygoing which the kids would like then the film steps up a gear with a crazy finish as Annabel gets involved in a batty police chase through the city and Ellen gets involved in a barmy ski sequence.

    Some of the roles might be too conservative for today's tastes. The mother being the dutiful housewife for example but this was Disney of the 1970s.