
  • Stan and Ollie are put in a no-win situation. A police officer finds the poor guys sleeping on a park bench and is ready to throw them in jail for vagrancy. Their choice is the slammer or to help him get back in good graces with his captain by solving a burglary (there has been a rash of burglaries and he is being blamed for his slow actions). Of course, this sets up a series of ridiculous attempts to break into the Captain's house so they can be caught and later released. There are numerous pratfalls where the boys break in and then accidentally lock themselves out. Jimmy Finlayson is in the picture and provides more comedy as is Edward "Slow Burn" Kennedy, who is the officer who sets things up. Even a weaker effort like this one is better than most comedy. Isn't it interesting how much funnier these things are than the lowest common denominator stuff that passes for comedy eighty years later.