• I found this little pearl by chance - after the great resurrection of Mr. Bruce Campbell in Ash vs. Evil Dead I did some research on the works of my old hero (the first Evil Dead movies were besides Romeros zombie movies the pleasure of my young life then) and stumbled over Jack of All Trades.

    Campbell plays Jack Stiles, an American spy stationed on a South Pacific island in 1801, working against Napoleon's colonizing efforts. In disguise as the Daring Dragoon (reminds me of another old hero of my youth called Zorro) he gives the French imperial troops and the governor a real hard time - with his wits and fencing skills.

    Comedy as it is, it has the marvelous "taste" of Bruces Campbell's humor and if you like Ash vs. Evil Dead you will like this one too and imo it beats most of the recent comedy shows easy, well maybe not Big Bang Theory.

    What I also like a lot is the playfulness and immense chemistry between Jack Stiles and his side-kick Mrs. Emilia Smythe Rothschild (a spy of the English empire), played superb by Angela Marie Dotchin. She does not only contribute her charming female skills and wits but is also an inventor of machines and other stuff to aid their fight against the evil French (which are in their own idotic way really charming). So in truth Mrs. Rothschild is the predecessor of all the Qs of the espionage and counterespionage world.

    If you like Bruce Campbell and/or comedy you can't do wrong with this one. Thumbs up!