• I've read quite a few reviews of Laurel and Hardy films and a similar pattern is emerging, for some reason a few people want to analyse the plot. This is old fashioned comedy at its finest and some of the best slapstick that you are likely to see, the plot was never intended to be the focal point of any of their films. The same thing can be said about a number of comedy teams at the time, so I'm not sure where their critical view of a weak plot comes from, certainly die hard fans of this duo cannot be surprised about the thin plot and to be honest, who cares?

    More sophisticated comedy exists, but not many films or sitcoms can touch Laurel and Hardy's brilliance. I often feel let down by comedy in modern times, Night Owls though is harmless, hilarious and it does what comedy should do, it makes you laugh and it makes you feel good. If you seek comedy films with a better plot, then by all means search for what is right for you, otherwise perhaps it's best to leave Laurel and Hardy to people who love, admire and enjoy comedy from this era, because they are far above and beyond what some people are making them out to be, on this website. Overall, I would recommend Night Owls, in my opinion it is close to the level of Helpmates and Music Box, some of their finest work.