• Sigh, a heavy sigh, why oh why.

    I loved the first one, minus the singing but the first one had plenty if new style action scenes, acting was pretty good and overall thought it was excellent. So hearing a sequel wad getting made, I thought great this is either going to be as good as the first or better but no it went the other way, it was worse on all sides. The acting was dreadful, the action scenes were tiresome and boring. What happened to the martial art scenes that the first one had plenty of? This film played out stunt after stunt and very little martial art scenes. It seemed as if the film makers didn't know how to film action scenes. If they do make a third one, try and stick to the way the first one was filmed. Yes the first one had stunts and action scenes but they blended well together, this just seemed to be put together haphazardly.