• Warning: Spoilers
    Very entertaining movie to me. I wasn't in the right mood to watch a movie. I generally do not have the patience to sit a movie through, but this one went down easy.

    I like sci-fi and i can handle fantasy in some cases. The movie itself may not have been a classic, but i found cast and acting very interesting. Lots of famous actors, but also a couple of new to me.

    The effects are incredible, something that would fit a movie like this. Now i said earlier i can handle fantasy in some cases. GoG2 does have a few "over the top" graphic sides to it, but hey that's me. I found some scenes a bit too "dreamlike", if that makes sense, the shiny blurriness was all over the place at times.

    The story was easy to follow and to see through, that is a bit of a letdown for me. I would like to be a bit challenged, although i do admit that is hard nowadays in movies.

    Overall i found it to be interesting and entertaining, keeping my attention the whole time. Oh, this is the first Guardians of the galaxy movie i see and i didn't know it was from Marvel.