• Being that I adore 3D animation I'm naturally drawn to these types of films even if they clearly aren't aimed at me. Despite the demographic I usually find entertainment value but here I genuinely struggled.

    Captain Underpants seems behind it's time, what I mean by that is the humour couldn't be any lower brow and reminded me a lot of Round the Bend (1988) Wall to wall childish toilet humour that I thought was no longer popular as kids had matured or at least evolved to other types of laughs.

    To it's credit Captain Underpants is at least quite well made, I enjoyed how it did several cutaways each using a different style of animation. Ontop of that it does have a certain charm, though considerably less than most of it's ilk.

    Captain Underpants is decent enough for the kids but most adults will get absolutely no enjoyment at all as it doesn't cater for the older audience in the way that the likes of Pixar do. But even then if you think your child deserves something a bit more intellectually stimulating than a movie where you can find Poopypants spoken a good 50 times then look elsewhere.

    The Good:

    Fantastic mixture of different animation styles

    The Bad:


    Behind it's time

    Things I learnt from this movie:

    Not all modern animations cater to the parents