• Warning: Spoilers
    The film starts off with a Santa killer with no introduction. A woman gets stabbed through the breast and it wasn't as nifty as the antler scene in that other Christmas horror. We then run a string of severed male organs, and a crazy neighbor lady who hates all men, as a child she was "passed around to all those men." She has a missing/dead daughter and a lot more weird information comes out later as the plot becomes an unintended satire on slasher plots. You need to wait an hour for an explanation.

    In addition to the severed organs, the film incorporates a ton of sexual references and a potty mouth grandmother, which fall short of satire and simply into the category of vulgarity for the sake of vulgarity. The film isn't that great of a slasher, but has some credibility as a satire, however the satire aspect remains covert to the point you are unsure if it is a satire. I think I labored that point to death.

    Guide: F-word, sex, nudity (Johanna Rae)