• Warning: Spoilers
    Garza (Omar Chaparro) is Mexico's honest drug enforcement officer. After the death of his partner, Garza is manipulated into freeing his killer, making Garza a fugitive from everyone. He eventually teams up with Vic (Joey Morgan) a computer geek and accountant as he attempts to get revenge on Santos (Erick Elias) and rescue his girl (Aislinn Derbez).

    This is a crime/action/comedy which is amusing using unusual characters such as Vic and Porky whose preferred weapon is a flame thrower. There is a lot of gun play and a couple of formula twists you see coming from a mile away. The film skipped scenes such as the bed sheet escape. Garza meets Maria and it appears that after one night she is pregnant with his child, which he believes and he is hopelessly in love. I think this was a script writing or editing problem and not a character issue as was Statham/ Alba in "Mechanic: Resurrection." Worth a rental for fans of the genre. Eric Roberts and Kevin Pollak in minor roles.

    Guide: F-word. Brief sex. No nudity