• Shockwave: Countdown to Disaster is another of those films that will be repeated on the Scyfy channel for years to come.

    It tells the story of a super weapon that has been set off and is burrowing through earth causing rampant eartquakes that are gradually tearing the world apart.

    It's your usual generic cliched to hell disaster movie stuff that has every trope going. A goverment who don't listen to the warnings, an estranged couple who are both experts in this particular field, the whiney kid of the estranged couple, every country getting destroyed but it being the US who save the day etc etc etc.

    CGI is average, performances are slightly above average and the plot is a combination of fairly good and really quite terrible. It get's weirdly dark in places, has your standard filler middle and sickly sweet finale.

    For what it is it's actually above par, against your average film however and it's still a mess.

    The Good:

    Has its moments

    One great comedic relief character

    The Bad:

    Same ol', same ol'

    Things I Learnt From This Movie:

    Once you've seen one of these movies you have literally seen them all