• Missing Link

    What can I say, I was blown away by this movie, it had a touch of several different previously successful cartoons, I sensed a bit of Frozen, Tin Tin and even Ice Age, but overall this struck new ground in its strength of character development built upon micro-gestures and vocal exaggeration. This technique was present in Spider-verse, but this was on a whole new level here, the characters were all so carefully written, by the end we knew them all, how they would act and behave, they had all become our friends and we loved them.

    When the movie finally had to end you had a sense of grief, you wanted more, what was going to happen next, wow, this was an amazing feeling that such a story could evoke such a response in the audience, after-all we weren't marching on Rome or anticipating cannibalism lol

    Frankly, I didn't expect much, but how wrong could I be, this movie had more than a touch of magic and I defy anyone not to enjoy it. I would add that it could be understood on so many levels so it was suitable for the whole family and geeks like me.

    I really cannot find any fault in this movie at all, it was so dense in detail you could watch it again and again, all the voice artists were brilliant, Hugh Jackman pulled out all the stops as Lionel Frost, after the disaster of Vice last year, Mr Link, played by Zach Galifianakis got the tone perfectly right, but Lord Piggot-Dunceb, played by Stephen Fry, was a tour-de-force.

    This must definitely be considered as a contender for an Oscar next year, and I would give one to Stephen Fry for his brilliant performance, he did the Harry Potter audiobooks and now this, unbelievable, he must be one of the best voiceover artists since Mel Blanc.