• Not to be confused with the superior Ghost Team One (2013) this is a "Ghost" themed comedy, or is it?

    Starring a bunch of actors on the downswing of their careers including Jon "Napoleon Dynamite" Heder, Justin "Better than being in something like this" Long, David "The Santa Claus" Krumholtz and Melonie Diaz it's quite alarmingly poor.

    It tells the story of a man bored with his mundane life who dreams of being a professional ghost hunter. When an opportunity to join the premier ghost hunter show presents itself he forms a team to capture footage to prove himself.

    So it's a comedy, the trouble is I don't think anyone told the writer. I think I could probably count half a dozen jokes in the 90 minute runtime, but on the flipside it isn't serious enough to be a straight movie. For this reason the tone is way off, and the cast don't do it any favors especially Heder who I've never seen the appeal of.

    Want a comedy "Ghost Team" movie, watch Ghost Team One (2013). This is simply not a comedy.

    The Good:

    Justin Long

    The Bad:

    Not even remotely funny

    Bland cast