• I watched the series (or half of it) and could barely keep watching. The show had so much potential but the writers completely threw it under the bus. The way the trailer and premise were building up, I assumed that She-Ra was a show about a young soldier who believed that she was fighting for the right side before switching sides to the resistance once acknowledging the atrocities the Horde has committed. After discovering the magic sword, she would become the hero necessary in defeating the Horde as her allies formed alliances, taking down Horde strongholds on the planet, and liberating interment camps and occupied regions while building up an army against Hordak. Along the way, She-Ra's attributes and actions would spread throughout the world of Etheria and she would earn her position as a hero through hard work and determination. Unfortunately, none of that actually happened and instead went into the direction of a cliche teen drama.

    The series is mediocre and boring, both in design and in script. The art style is okay, albeit lacking in consistency and shading, and hated that She-Ra looks completely mannish. Don't get the wrong idea. Since this is a family-friendly cartoon, it makes sense to not sexualize her, but the creators blatantly removed her basic female anatomy for the sake of political correctness, despite confirm that she is sixteen. then there is the forced diversity for the sake of it, shoehorning it into the show and most of the characters tokens with barely any growth or drive, and acting just as the story tells them.

    The writers and creators seem to push aside character development for the sake of superficiality such as one scene where Frosta who was a complete snob and a one-dimensional character has an unnecessary 180 in the next season, acting more hyper and childish but it never gave an explanation on how her personality changed. Then, in the same episode, Glimmer chastises Frosta for acting reckless and obnoxious. However, in the next episode, she does the same thing in the next episode with Bow calling her out, making the previous episode completely redundant. There's even a lot of telling, not showing, where it goes on and on about how "dangerous" and "evil" the Horde and Hordak are but never truly displaying it. Everytime the horde shows up, it was the typical "villains pop out of nowhere and the hero easily defeats them" cliche such as in the first season finale where the Horde led by Catra and Scorpia chase after the heroes on a platform vehicle without any scenes showing how they knew where the heroes were or what methods they used to track them. The only time the Horde were ever shown to be potentially a threat was in episode five when an army of soldier traveled to the Brightmoon kingdom with guns and tanks...only to be easily defeating by loincloth men holding palm leaves.

    Its lackadaisacal dialogue and exposition barely holds a candle to other shows better than this one like Dragon Prince and Steven Universe. Many of the people working on the show has little to no experience in working in animation and are practically fringe writers who were mostly hired by Dreamworks because it was cheaper than hiring professionals. Also, when you watch the series, it's obvious Dreamworks is forsaking quality for quantity as a means to milk money off of it. What's even worse is that the writer's don't even admit that they screwed and just blame it on the critics for not liking their work, or making excuses like "It's not for you" as a rebuttal. They even block criticisms just to narcissistically stroke their egos from the praises they receive in their fandom, along with encouragng their fandom to harass and attack fans of the original series in a small-minded and pathetic manner. As the old saying goes: "

    Sorry if this is long but I needed to vehement how the animation industry has stooped so low when it comes to making animtation. Besides, this show deserves criticism than praise as there seems to be more on the latter than the former, along with the reviews praising it not giving any details on why it is considered "good".