
  • No disco inferno though (maybe in the books this is based on - kidding of course). It is quite the star ensemble we get here and you would wonder how to get so many celebrities into one building. Also what the net worth must have been. Speaking of which and believe it or not but even back then either the stars or the managers (some of them) cared about how many lines were spoken by their character and where their name would be placed in the titles ... sounds vain, yes? It kind of is.

    But it is also kind of understandable if you think of what the worth was, how to present one self and that there was no social media to promote a star or other things of that nature. Still even with lesser technology the inciting incident should not have happened here, but then we wouldn't have a movie, would we? So there is a suspension of disbelief and there are the good and the bad characters and even I guess a horror cliche/trope, where people should not engage in sexual encounters if they value their life (I might be exaggerating a little bit, also everything is PG-13 max and no skin/nudity that should "worry" parents).

    So one of the mothers or fathers or whatever you want to call it of disaster movies is on display here. This ignited - oops - a lot of copycats as one may imagine ... then again, the action director here already had made Poseidon Adventure ... so there's always a before. Still very good character piece amongst a lot of chaos and destruction