• Warning: Spoilers
    Mere words fail to describe how amazing this show is. I wasn't really interested in the show at first, and since I had no knowledge of the 80s show, I was greatly confused and dropped the series. But I picked back up on it a month before season 2 dropped, and I was hooked. Let's break it down:

    Animation: This is admittedly the weakest aspect of the show, since the show has no board revision and some shots look rough. I will say this, the animation can be beautiful at times like in the theme song, the lighting is excellent in some scenes, and overall, the animation is more fluid and expressive than the 80s show, which had incredibly limited and stilted animation. I really like the character designs, they're unique and diverse instead of copy-pasted.

    Characters: On the other hand, the characters and their interactions are the strongest aspect of the show. They all have depth and development that makes them likable, and their interactions are seriously fun to watch. Adora struggles to fill the role of She-Ra, and becomes her own worst enemy once she realizes that She-Ra was intended to activate a superweapon. Glimmer also becomes her own worst enemy after she's crowned queen and her mother dies. Catra is one of the best characters in western animation of all time, her character is so deep and complex that I can't even describe it. Entrapta is my personal favorite character in the show, she's neurodivergent just like I am, and she's relatable in so many ways. One of my favorite elements is that all the characters have fluid genders and sexualities, and they don't put labels on themselves.

    Writing: With great characters comes great writing. The character interactions are fun to watch and over the course of the show we get some odd but fun character pairings. The plots go from silly and fun to deep and complex, but it never comes off as an unnatural transition, or pretentious in any way, shape, or form. Even when things get dark, even in season 5, the darkest season, there are still silly episodes to contrast the dark tone.

    Music: The music is very memorable. The characters each have their own leitmotifs, each episode has different credits music (such as a remix of the 80s theme song in the episode "Roll With It"), and the theme song is super catchy. Bonus points to the extended version.

    Enjoyment: She-Ra and the Princesses of Power always entertains, delights, provokes thoughts, and is overall cathartic, especially in season 5. I recommend the first two seasons for little kids, season 3 for older kids, and season 4-5 for teens and adults, though anyone can watch any season. One of the best shows I've ever seen.