• Acting: The cast was great, it consists of people that will later on be known as A listers. The acting was done right and let's you feel for the characters your watching. Whether its happiness all the way to sadness. It has well developed characters and it's not hard to relate to them.

    Cinematography: Pretty decent camera shots and quality of film especially for the time. Every shot and scene seems to be done with meaning and purpose.

    Story: This being based of a true story makes it even more of a hit to the gut. From beginning to end its filled with interesting characters and story. You follow a group of boys through good times, funny moments and then as their lives start to crumble further into the story so does your mood and hope for their future. This is definitely a emotional story that builds up and shows hardships Leo's character faces. It includes pedophilia, drug addiction, loss of friendship, death and more. The end was nice but ended quite suddenly and randomly. Some parts in the film did seem a bit unrealistic as well. But overall the story hit hard and was done well.

    Summary: This film tells a emotional tale of some hard times kids can face in life. It's not the best I've seen. But for me it definitely was a really good movie. I would highly suggest it if your into your emotional movies. 7.5/10 for me.