• Warning: Spoilers
    This is presented as a 1950's TV show called "Paradox Theater" a mock "Twilight Zone." It takes place in the late 1950s in a small southern border town of Cayuga. Fay Crocker (Sierra McCormick ) is a science geek and works as the town switchboard operator. She walks everywhere. She is crushing on Everett Sloan (Jake Horowitz) the local celebrity night time radio DJ at WOTW. During a high school basketball game with nearly everyone at the gym, weird things are going on that leads the audience to believe it is aliens.

    I liked how the film was done, but it dragged on in too many parts. The interview with Gail Cronauer was horribly long and boring for someone who was going to "get to the point." The main characters started out interesting but then waned. It takes too long to see what is happening. Needed a good twist.

    Guide: I caught 1 quick F-word. No sex or nudity.