
  • 13 Reasons Why started strong, interesting and haunting in its first season, having me on the edge of my seat and fully interested at all times. It was super gripping, well-done & well-acted and by the end of that season, I couldn't stop thinking about it, highly praising and recommending it for quite a while. Then the subsequent seasons followed and the magic vanished pretty quickly, leaving a bitter taste in my mouth.

    • Season 1 gets a 10, It was the best and should have finished there.
    • Season 2 gets a 7.5, explored the aftermath, while having filler scenes of Hannah Baker, not doing justice to her in a decent way.
    • Season 3 gets a 5, the writers ran out of ideas, dragging the series and adding an outsider character by the name of Ani, not making any sense in the series, let alone her deceitful personality, unpleasant presence and distasteful acting.
    • Season 4 gets a 2.5, It is basically a comedy and parody of the show like "Scary Movie" was at its time. It fills its viewers up with messages of compassion, love vs. hatred, sanity vs. insanity and unrealistic accentuation of issues like anxiety and depression. While the mentioned are very important, exist (in the series and real world) and even back then in season 1, It's their depiction and development based on the storyline that is weak, feeble and unconvincing.

    All executives involved, forgot about the real story of the series, about Hannah Baker and how she was martyrized and battered. They forgot about her pain, suffering and hopelessness, which got to my throat and saddened me beyond measure.

    A continuation and dragging of a series mainly about Hannah Baker and her issues, without her being in it and an active part of it, was most unforgivable. I loved Liberty High and its life, but without Hannah in it, it was just a shadow of a life.

    Hannah, you were traumatized beyond measure, made a point at the expense of your life and will be dearly missed. Hope that other persons like you, out there, find the courage and strength to speak up before it's too late.