• Warning: Spoilers
    Tony Cruz (Oscar Cardenas) is afraid of the dark and had an anxiety attack while on a mobile brothel raid. It stems from an event that happened as a child when his mother was killed and sister abducted. He hid in the dark. After losing his job he is "tailing" Rebecca (Kenzie Dalton) who seems to be close to the current killings of prostitutes that are turning up. All with the same tattoo on their arm.

    This is a poor combination of sex trafficking and some kind of weird skin experiments. Kenzie Dalton doing a pole and lap dance was the only thing worth while in the film. The plot was sketchy. The acting wasn't great. The science was bad. Hey Maria Gabriela Cardenas! You can not DNA test ashes. You should have claimed there were some teeth in there. They tried to do too much.

    Guide: F-word, sex, nudity.