• Square to the bitter end, its an attempt , and with just a loose story and in my opinion wrong use of a 100% clear picture filming, instead of smoky and hazy environments you have almost a sterile and even a facemasked environment, a kitchen without damp and smoke. And the location settings so slick and free of anything that might disturb your attention, its just too nicely made , and leads me back to bbc.tv productions from the late 1970's, where the crystal is so clear...

    but its an actioncomedy where the protagonist eats the opportunist and the antagonist plays high voltage snooker with the agonists, purely made for the fans of mockup movies, there are sections that are just brilliantly fun, but they are short and drowns in its badly made action scenes, dead men that cant stand still, and well groomed stallion-hudlum- actors that just waits and seeks the uppercuts and meatgrinding jackets made of solid lead, a script composed for the untrained part of the cast, and uses bruce dern for all he is worth just to make a poster with a name we all know.

    So the grumpy old man delivers a weak 5 stars to this remnants of a supernova living its afterlife as a brown dwarf, its definately not a film that should be seen rather a could be seen movie along with a beer and your buddies, cause it has its moments of caricatour caracters that will make you smile, even though the superhero and revenge feeling fails to come.