• I stumbled upon the 2015 German horror comedy here in 2021 by random luck. I had never heard about the movie prior to sitting down to watch it. And with it being a zombie horror comedy, of course I needed no persuasion to sit down and watch it.

    Why this 2015 movie from writers Torge Oelrich and Michael David Pate has gotten such low rating here on IMDb is just beyond my comprehension, because "Kartoffelsalat" (aka "Potato Salad") is a great zombie comedy pseudo-spoof. It was very much in the likes of older movies such as "Hot Shots!", "Top Secret", "Airplane!" and so on. So yeah, if you sit down to watch "Kartoffelsalat" with the intentions of watching a serious zombie movie, then you are in for a rude awakening.

    The storyline told in "Kartoffelsalat" was pretty straight forward, and I found it to be entertaining enough. This wasn't really comedy that made me laugh, but it was comedy that worked out well enough given the storyline and the situations portrayed throughout the course of the movie.

    The acting in the movie was adequate. I wasn't familiar with a single actor or actress here, but then again I am not overly familiar with the German movie industry.

    If you enjoy a good light-hearted comedy pseudo-spoof with zombies, then "Kartoffelsalat" is definitely worth taking the time to sit down and watch. I was entertained by this movie, that's for sure.

    My rating of director Michael David Pate's 2015 horror comedy "Kartoffelsalat" lands on a six out of ten stars.