
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Billy Bob Thornton - what a powerhouse actor. Now before I watched this I only knew that he was going to be in it. And some of the regulars of the show: I did not really know them. Tonia Raymonde was in Lost and of course I know William Hurt and Maria Bello ... but there is more than that.

    But apart from the great actors (and every season seems to add a few more, while some dissappear ... sort of), it is the great story this tells. I felt that season 3 capped a lot of things very well. You had a sort of ... finishing touch to certain things. That being said, the last season that just came out a few days ago and made me binge the whole show, starting before the fourth and final season was released, has a different tone to it.

    I understand that some feel that season 3 was different. And it totally was - you had a different setting, a different flow and mood to it. But it worked for me. Actually there is a moment in season 4 that feels as unreal as it gets and it involves a roof top and a fall ... of sorts. I won't say more, but it feels detached from the rest of the show up to this point.

    Until maybe you realize that the last season is even more ... out there in a sense than the third one was. Which introduced a few things (like the crow and stuff that feels ... supernatural - is it though?) - and something Season 4 does too.

    The lighting and the general mood of season 4 seems to return ... especially the courtroom things. Although I can imagine that certain things may not go over well. And I'm not just talking about the ending, which ... I personally loved, not just because it reminded me of another great show ending in a similar tone/fashion.

    Talking about feelings and moods, Season 2 Episode 7 is probably my favorite episode. It reminded me of Breaking Bad in a sense. And it introduced some very interesting characters/actors in it! It also seems to be one of those episodes that anyone can watch and enjoy, even if they don't know the rest of the show.

    But back to Billy Bob and his fight ... his struggle. Not just with people who oppose him and justice and morals - generally speaking. He also has a lot of demons ... such a rich character. We love him, because he is morally on the right side. We feel for him, especially when he struggles ... because of his addiction and self destroying nature but also when he takes on the "bad guys".

    This is not a court room drama, but there are quite a few scenes that play inside one. The show also takes your expectations and turns them upside down. Not everything will be resolved by the end of the show ... some interesting characters and storylines never get a ... Hollywood treatment or resolution. You may hate it for that fact ... but it makes it more enticing for others - like myself, that this is not just perfect and feels mostly like real life with its ups and downs.

    And every season seems to have a different theme and beast to fight over ... with many different stories this tells. I've seen my fair share of tv shows, this is definitely one of the best ones I've seen - which is a testament to everyone involved - in front and behind the camera! I reckon Corona was responsible for the last season to be delayed ... but if you didn't know, you couldn't really tell ...