• Ah test audiences, if not for you, we would of had a way more disturbing and horrific movie. They pick random people, probably a broad variety, but bland as all get out to help the studio execs gut a director's vision. Probably not even horror fans. What we get is good, but the potential is there for it to be way more disturbing, a horror film that is totally fabricated, but still resonates. Though, this one is good as I so enjoy the supernatural and then to combine it with science fiction...awesome!

    The story, a ship, 'Event Horizon' has disappeared and seven years later as reappeared. A crew is set with the task of going to this vessel and discovering if there is anyone left alive and to salvage the ship if possible. On board this crew, a Dr. Weir, who is the man who invented the special engine used to propel the ship forward. Of course, it does this by opening a black hole and we will learn over time that where it leads, no man should go. As they explore the ship, stranger and stranger things keep happening and hampering any chance of the rescue team making it out alive!

    I thought all the actors and actresses did good. I knew Sam Neil would be good and so is Lawrence Fishborne. The.visuals are really good too and the film has a very good atmosphere essentially being a spaceship that is haunted. I just think it would have been better with more extended peeks into hell, because who wasn't curious to see what the makers of the film came up with? Unfortunately, they got a squeamish test audience who thought it was too much and us horror fans are left to wonder. Of course, my biggest question is how the heck did a copy of the film with the extra scenes end up in a Transylvania salt mine?

    So, I liked this film as I have been trying to watch all the supernatural horror in space I can. Got The Dark Side of the Moon too. Wanted Nightflyers, but that is not even on DVD. The only other one I can think of is Lifeforce which does have some cool visuals, but mainly takes place on earth. This one is probably the best of the ones I know, but could have been even better had they left the deleted scenes in.