• After hearing reports of a legendary killer in the area, a filmmaker and his friends head out to the local woods to film a documentary about the incident, but when they start to disappear one by one realize there might be something more dangerous than the figure lurking in the woods and must try to get out alive.

    This one wasn't all too bad of an indie effort. One of the strongest features here is a rather engaging and appropriate indie feature that sets everything in motion. The idea of the group investigating a local legend about a farmer who killed his family and turned the bloodlust into something horrific which has haunted the forest around the area is a nicely layered indie-styled setup here. Combined with a fun tie-in with the desire to make a documentary on what happened that turns into a highly intriguing horror-film shoot with some character motivation twists that all give the setup a decent enough time. That leads nicely into the series of fun stalking and slashing that comes about. The scenes involving the group coming upon the animal trap in the woods and the resulting chaos that leads to them splitting up and encountering the killer at the car while the others are off futilely looking for help are impressive. Done in slow-motion, this is an enjoyable-enough sequence armed with a great, gory kill to highlight the big twist reveal in the third act where the blood flow comes off far more frequently due to some barbaric torture devices which are unexpected and lead into some really enjoyable scenes here with the psychotic rampage coinciding with the botched film shoot. The last plus with this one is the films' enjoyable and far more impactful stance against bullying and acceptance than it would be expected to include. The early scenes here of the group going through the backstory and history with their struggles for acceptance amid their various interests and passions that have led to a long history with bullying come off quite nicely. The idea of having them come together to become friends in the first place as a sign of their strength and courage despite not being full of common interests is a rather fun concept here and combined with the creepy-looking mask of the killer in the woods give this one some good points. There are a few problems found here. One of the biggest factors against this one is the highly underwhelming group of people on the shoot, for as much good as it does on the anti-bullying and acceptance seems highly unlikely to be a group that goes into the woods together on this project. The side story about several of them having an affair recently and trying to keep it going while under the noses of their best friend who's unaware of the whole thing, the constant complaining about being on the trip or pulling tricks on each other that are at complete odds with any kind of normal human behavior. On top of the obvious indie limitations here, those manage to hold the film down.

    Rated Unrated/R: Graphic Violence and Graphic Language.